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Your POV
Morning came. You opened your eyes as the sunlight came through the window of your hospital room. "Oh!" "I'm am sorry." "Don't worry about it." You look over and there was Michael on top of Becky. Tears fell down your face. "How could you!" Michael and Becky looked up at you. They looked at each other and stood up. "This isn't what it looks like." "Just leave and don't come back!" "Just let me explain." "What is there to explain?! You told me that you loved me and now you're cheating on me with my own sister!" "What? I" "Michael, I said leave! If I was able to leave I would!" Just then the Doctor came in. "We have been observing you and you are just fine. You can leave now." "Thank you doctor." You went in the bathroom and got dressed in normal clothes. Michael was saying something and you were  ignoring him. You walked out the bathroom. "You know, just when I thought that maybe life was okay, just when I thought misery was behind me, it looks like misery caught up with me because I live with you Becky and I live across the street from you Michael. So every single day I'll be reminded of the hurt you two caused me. The worst part will be not talking to you Michael because I really loved you." The tears flowed as you left. Michael was calling your name. You didn't look back. You kept moving forward. You got in the limo. Becky got in the limo too. "Listen, I can explain." "There is nothing to explain! Just leave me alone!" "Hey what is all this hostile feeling? Do you want to talk about?" "Yes." "No." "We should talk about it so I can explain to you." "I said there is nothing to explain! You do whatever makes you happy. Now please shut up!" At last you arrived home. You went straight to your room and slammed the door. Your mother came in right after. "What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it." "If you hold your feelings in you'll be miserable. Trust me I know." "Even if I talk about it, I'll still be miserable." "I want to help you, but I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." "Do you really want to help me?" "Yes, of course." "Then leave me alone!" "I  am your mother, don't yell at me!" "What are you going to do to me? There is nothing you could do to me to make me feel worse than I already do. Please just leave me alone. That's all I want." "Is it?" "Whether I want loneliness or not, it's all I ever get." "How could you be lonely? You have me and Becky and Michael." You held back tears. "Go mom please." "Okay, but if you need someone to talk to, come find me." "Thanks Mom. Mom, why didn't Becky go to school today?" "She begged me to let her go see you." Your mother walked out the room. You pondered what she said about Becky, how she didn't go to school to see you. You cried some more. Then the phone rang. "Hello?" "(f/n), if you would just let me explain." You opened your mouth to yell at him, but you couldn't bring yourself to yell at him. So you hung up. You cried until you're mother knocked on the door. "It's time to go to work. Come on." "I don't want to go to work." "That's not how the real world works. When I thought I lost you forever and my husband died I still had to go to work. It might even make you feel better." You slowly came out your room. "(f/n)." "Becky, I want you to be happy. I forgive you. I'm not going to be miserable by dwelling on you. We're sisters after all." "What is going on here?" "Mom I don't want to talk about it. Now let's go to work." You three went to work. You had a great time. You almost forgot about what happened earlier, almost. You went home and straight to your room. "Aren't you going to eat dinner? You haven't eaten all day." "I'm not hungry." You went to bed early that day. The week dragged on. You pretended to be happy. You only cried when you went in your room.  For the whole week you felt like you had a ton of bricks on your back. You were so sad. One day your sister came in your room. "I can't take this anymore. You've been talking to me about how you want me to be happy, but you're not happy and I want you to be happy." "Is that right?" You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes. "Yes. I'm happy with Tobey." "That's right you do have a boyfriend." "Yeah." "So you're cheating on Tobey." "No. Just Listen. What happened was Michael tripped over the leg of the chair next to your bed. When he tripped he bumped into me. We both lost our balance and fell on the other bed. That's what happened. Okay? There is nothing going on between us. That is the truth. Now call him." "I can't do that. I treated him horribly. He probably hates me."
Michael's POV
I visited (f/n) in the hospital. She was still asleep. Becky was standing next to her sister. I walked over her. "Hey Becky." I tripped over the chair next to (f/n)'s bedside. Before I knew what was happening, I fell on top of Becky. "Oh!" "I am sorry." "Don't worry about it." Then I heard crying. I looked at (f/n). I didn't like seeing her so sad and angry and hurt. She started yelling. I knew exactly what she thought she saw. I tried to explain that it wasn't what it looked like. She didn't give me a chance to explain. The doctor came in and told her she could leave. So she left. I called out her name. It was no use. She was gone. Tears poured down my face. Becky went after her. I went home. I tried to pretend that everything was okay. It was hard. I picked up the phone. "Hello?" "(f/n), if you would just let me explain. See what happened was." I heard the phone click. "Hello?" I put the phone back on the receiver. Tears fell down my face. One miserable week passed. I sat at the dinner table. "What is going on with you Michael? I've never seen you so sad." "(f/n) hates me." "What? I know you don't like me, but my son is the best in every way. What is there not to like about you. You just be yourself and you'll have any girl you want." Joe's words gave me a brilliant idea. "Joe you're right." I checked my watch. It was 7:35pm. I walked right across the street. I rang the doorbell. I took a deep breath in. I didn't know what to expect. Security opened the door. "Oh come in Mr. Jackson." I saw her. She looked really sad and beautiful. She looked at me. "Michael, what are you doing here?" "I uh came to talk to you." "You hate me don't you?" "Of course not. Listen, Joseph told me to be myself and that's what I intend to do." I started singing. "When I had you to myself, I didn't want you around. Those pretty faces always made you stand out in the crowd. Someone picked you from the bunch, one glance was all it took and now it's much to late for me to take a second look. Oh baby give me one more chance, show you that I love you. Won't you please let me back to your heart. Oh darling I was blind to let you go, but now since I see you in his arms, I want you back. Yes I do now. I want you back. Ooh ooh baby. I want you back. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. I want you back. Na na na na. I want you back." I finished singing. "(f/n) this has been the most miserable week of my life. I was lonely before I met you, but that pales in comparison to how lonely I was this week without you." "I feel the same way." "I didn't cheat on you. I tripped and that's how I ended up on top of Becky." "I know. Becky just told me." "You didn't call me?" "I thought you hated me. I mean I was doing all that yelling." "I could never hate you. What do you say? Why don't I take you to get some dinner and then we can have icecream?" "Oh we have icecream and food here in the fridge. We don't have to bother some manager about closing and you don't have to go through the trouble of putting on a disguise." I thought that (f/n) was saying that we couldn't become a couple again. So I sang another song. "When I had you, I treated you bad and wrong my dear and girl since, since you went away, don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down and I wonder who's loving you." "I use to wonder the same thing, but now I know that you love me, I think." "I love you so much." I grabbed her hand. "Let's not be miserable anymore. Please be my girlfriend again." "Of course Michael." I leaned in and closed my eyes. My lips met hers. Her lips were so soft. We both pulled back at the same time. "Uh let's go to the kitchen to get something to eat." "Yeah." So (f/n) went in the kitchen. She slaved over the stove. "Why don't you tell your chef to cook something." "Oh I just thought I would cook for you. Is there something wrong with that?" "No." Thirty minutes later (f/n) sat a plate in front of me. "Dig in." I obeyed her. "Whoa. This is amazing. I am impressed. I didn't think it was possible to cook a meal this good in thirty minutes." "Well I had a lot of practice." "I just can't get over how good this is." "Like I said I had a lot of practice. You really think it taste good?" "It taste better than good." "My old family, which wasn't really my family, always insulted my cooking." "They must be crazy. Who taught you to cook like this." "I was forced to teach myself." "Oh, like I taught myself to dance." "Yeah let's compare willing dancing to James Brown and me being beaten until I cooked and then after be ridiculed!" "You know what. You're right. I'm so sorry. You had a bad childhood. I'm so sorry." I saw a tear fall down her beautiful face. "Don't cry. I was beaten too. Besides everything has turned around." "It still kind of hurts, the memories." "Let's talk about something else. Where is your sister Becky?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "If you must know, she went on a date with her boyfriend. The best part is that she is not with you." "Why is that?" "Because it means you can be with me." You leaned in. You two kissed. "Oh you two are back together." I jumped back in shock. "Oh Hi Mrs. Davis." "Hi Michael." "Mom, where did you just come from." "I went on a date." "Oh really?" "Yeah." "Mom, you said that we were back together. How did you know we broke up?" "Becky told me everything." "and you didn't explain what she said to me." "You weren't listening to anybody. Not even me." Then Becky came in. "Hey Mom. You look gorgeous. Where did you just come from?" "I was on a date." "Well when will we meet him?" "Soon. You see I have been dating him for two years and we just got engaged." Mrs. Davis showed off her gorgeous ring. "Why didn't you tell us mom?" "Yeah, to me, you made it seem like you were supper lonely." "Girls I didn't tell you because, I don't know actually." "Well I'm going to go. This seems like a family matter." "Michael we didn't eat our icecream yet." "Well don't let me interrupt you. I'm going to go in my room." "Yeah me too." So Becky and Mrs. Davis went in their rooms. "Let's have that Icecream." We had Icecream. Afterwards, I kissed (f/n) goodbye. "Let's never break up again." "Yeah because I was heartbroken." "Me too." I went home for the night.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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