Gender Reveal Party

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Your POV

It was February. You found out the gender of Becky and Tobey's baby. Now you and Becky just had to plan the gender reveal party. You went to work. "Hi mom." You hugged your mom. "Hi Becky." You gently hugged Becky. They both said hi to you. "It seems like just yesterday that we all met each other. Now our life's have caused us to go in different directions." "No (f/n). We'll always be together. I'm just a phone call away and we can still visit each other." "I know. After all, I've been calling you everyday since you moved in with Tobey. Speaking of which, what do you think about having the gender reveal party at your house?" "Well, I would have to ask my husband. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I'll call you later and tell you what he says." "Okay." You started posing for the camera. Soon work was over. You said goodbye to your mom and Becky and headed home. You went into your house. You went in the kitchen and started dinner. Then Michael came in. He kissed you. "Hi." "Hey." "What are you up to?" " I'm just fixing dinner." Suddenly, the phone rang. You answered it. "Hello?" "Hi (f/n). Tobey said we could have the party at our house." "That's great." "What color do you think I should make the decorations?" "Becky if this is your way of getting me to tell you the gender of the baby it's not going to work." "Hey, it's my baby." "Becky, you're going to have to wait like everyone else." "Fine." "The decorations should be pink and blue because nobody knows if it's a boy or a girl." "You know." "This is true." "You're coming to my place tomorrow to help decorate right?" "Yep. See you." "See you later." You hung up. "That was Becky. The gender reveal party will be at her house. I'm going over there tomorrow to decorate." "Can I come?" "Sure, but I'm going straight over after work." "That's fine." You finished cooking. You and Michael ate dinner. "That was delicious." "Thanks." You both had dessert. You went to sleep. The next morning you got ready for the day. You kissed Michael. "See you later." "See you later." You went to work. After work you followed Becky to her house. Becky let you inside the house. "Wow. This is a nice place." "Thank you." Tobey came out of one of the rooms. "Hey." "Hi." Tobey kissed Becky. Then Tobey hugged you. "Hi." "Hi." "I didn't know you were coming over today?" "Yeah. (F/n) is going to help me decorate for the gender reveal party." "Oh okay. Is there any particular color you're going to be decorating with." "I already tried that Tobey." "I'm just dying to know what we're having." "Well, you will know soon if you manage to live a little longer." "Haha very funny. Enjoy your decorating." Tobey went to somewhere else in the house. You and Becky started decorating. You and Becky spent time laughing and giggling. Soon the phone rang. "Hello? Hi Michael." Becky gave Michael the address to her house. Soon Michael showed up at the house Becky let him in. Tobey came to the door. He gave Michael a handshake. "How's it going man?" "I'm good. How are you?" "I'm good." "Hey Becky." Michael waved at Becky. "Hi Michael." Becky waved back. Tobey decided to help decorate as well. Soon it was time to hang the party streamers on the ceiling. Tobey found a ladder. Becky approached the ladder. "Becky getting on a ladder is to dangerous for a pregnant lady. I will get on the ladder." "In that case, I'll hold the ladder. I wouldn't want the ladder to fall. Besides, I want to see the view." "Michael." You shook your head. You climbed up the ladder and began hanging party streamers. Soon you were done. You climbed down the ladder. "Okay. So are you going to have home cooked food or a caterer Becky?" "What do you think Tobey?" "We can have a caterer." "Okay then. I'll call a caterer sometime soon. What else do we need for this party (f/n)?" "We need to make sure there are enough seats for the guess." "Of course we have enough seats." "Okay. I will tell everyone and I will get the thing that will reveal the gender." "Okay. You guys are welcome to stay for dinner if you like." "Thank you Becky." So you and Michael ate dinner with Tobey and Becky. You all made small talk. Soon you and Michael bid Tobey and Becky goodbye. Michael got in your car. You looked at him with a confused expression. "Oh. I came in my limo with security. They already went home." "Oh. Well I have to stop at the store real quick." "Okay." You arrived at a store. You went inside to purchase what you needed to get. You were only gone for a few minutes, but when you went back to your car a large group of people had formed around the car. Cameras flashed. You tried to maneuver your way through the crowd. You finally managed to get in your car. You honked the car horn. No one moved. "What do we do?" "I don't know. You're the one who's use to this situation." "Yeah, but security is always there to move the people enough to drive away. You honked the car horn some more. The people still stood around the car. In fact, they began to beat the car windows. "You have to find a payphone and call security." "What?" "It's the only way." "Can't we just wait until they leave?" "They'll never leave." "Well I'm too scared to face that crowd." You started the engine. A few people moved. You slowly started to move. Eventually, you made it out of the parking lot, but they were hot on your trail. You made a series of random turns until you lost them. You finally arrived at home. You parked you're car. You both got in the car and went inside. You both went to sleep. The next day you went to work. You finished up work for the day. "Mom, Becky and Tobey's gender reveal is going to be next Tuesday at Becky's house." "Okay." "Make sure you tell Arnold and Patrice." "I promise that I will tell them." "Great." "Becky, you and Tobey will have to tell Tobey's family. I don't have a way to get in contact with them." "No problem." You went home. Soon the day of the gender reveal party had come. You and Michael headed over to Becky's house. You saw Arnold. "Arnold, hi." "(F/n)!" Arnold hugged you. "Hi Michael." "Hey." "Michael!" You heard three little voices say. "Hi." Michael hugged the triplets. "(F/n)." They hugged you. "Hi." "Hi (f/n)." "Hey Sophie." "Hi Miss Anderson." They both said hi. After everyone had greeted everyone you played games. Then it was time for the reveal. "Okay everyone. Let's head outside." You all headed to the large backyard. You gave Tobey fireworks and a lighter. He lit the fireworks and backed away. Seconds later blue fireworks filled the sky. Everyone cheered. "Oh." Becky held her belly. "Are you okay?" "Tobey, the baby, he just kicked." You all went back inside to eat. Soon the party was over. You stayed behind to help clean up. "Thanks for everything (f/n)." "I agree with Becky. We owe you one." "Aw it was nothing." "I promise to help you plan for your wedding and reception." "Thanks Becky." You and Michael went back home and went to sleep.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hoped you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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