The Wedding

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You look down at your hands, they were shaking with nervousness and excitement. After months of preparation you were finally here, about to be wedded to Nico, about to become a Di Angelo. You giddily look into the floor length mirror a huge smile on your face.

You had to admit, as you looked at yourself in your white gown that you looked beautiful. You felt beautiful. Your dress wasn’t too fancy. In fact it was quite simple.

The top of the strapless dress had small embodiments across your chest, the dress was fitted from waist up, but flared out slightly to the bottom that reached your toes, and you could feel the soft material through the small opening of our heels.

Your (h/c) hair was in waterfall braid and you wore a single bracelet that Nico had given to you when the two of you were teens.

You were nervously fiddling with the bracelet when you heard the knock on the door. You jumped slightly in surprised and turn towards it.

‘I’LL GET IT!’ you’re best friend shouts as she comes running into the room from the next. You were amazed by how fast she ran in those heels.

(b/f/n) opens the door and gives a surprised yelp ‘You can’t be here!’

You walked up to her ‘Is it Nico?’ she shoos you off with her hands

‘Nico you can’t see her in her wedding dress!’ you frowned, trying to hear what Nico was saying on the other side.

‘(b/f/n), what is he saying?’

That’s when you heard his voice ‘(y/n)? Is that you?’ you were going to reply but she beat you to it whispering something to him.

She turns back to you after closing the door ‘talk through the door. He seems a bit nervous.’

You rush to the door ‘Nico?’

‘(Y/n)!’ you heard him through the door

You giggled ‘Are you ok?’

'Yes. I…I just need you.’

Your heart flutters ‘I’m here. Are you nervous?’

You hear his laughter ‘Yes. But I’m also really excited.’

‘Me too.’ You admit, before you could say anything else (b/f/n) grabs your hand.

‘It’s almost time!’ she says eagerly

You stand behind the two doors of the church, hand in hand with your mortal parent. You take a deep breath to calm your beating heart as the doors open. You walk down the small aisle your eyes on Nico the whole way. You felt butterflies in your stomach seeing him in a tux.

Nico too couldn’t take his eyes off you as you walked down the aisle, he didn’t know how you could have gotten any more stunning, but you did and you made his heart stop. In a good way.

Nico was so captivated by you that he didn’t realize you calling his name as you stood beside him.


‘Sorry. I…you look beautiful.’ You blush

‘So do you, I mean you look good too.’ You stumbled over your words, laughing along with your audience.

The rest of the service went on smoothly, with the two of you reciting your vows and putting on the rings.

‘I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.’

You smile up at Nico, meeting him half way. Loosing yourself in the kiss and enjoying your first kiss as Mrs. Di Angelo. The two of you pull apart, cheering and applauses ring throughout the little church.

Hand in hand you and Nico begin walking out of the church. However you notice a doggy looking man at the back of the church. The both of you make eye contact and you immediately see through the mist.

It was a monster.

In a swift movement you pull out the small celestial bronze knife you kept on the inside of you shoe – you could never be too careful - throwing it directly at the monster. There’s an echo of gasps and slight chaos as it combust into dust.

‘It’s ok. Just a monster. It probably sensed a whole lot of demigods in one place.’ You say and with a few shrugs the chaos dies down, the monster forgotten as you and Nico walk out of the church.

Nico turns towards you, his mouth close to your ear as everyone walks out ‘That was pretty amazing.’

You look up at him laughter in your eyes ‘why thank you Mr. Di Angelo.’

‘No problem Mrs. Di Angelo.’


aaaaw! you're married to Nico!


next! BABIES!



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