The Carnival

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You and Nico step out of the shadows by the entrance of the large carnival. Hordes of people had already settled in, roaming the different stalls and rides.

Nico flinched at the noise as he looked around, children screams could be heard a mile away and the loud chatter disgust him.

'We should head back, I mean it looks pretty busy anyway.'

You give your boyfriend a hard look 'We just got here!'

'And I have seen all I need to see...'

You pout slightly 'please, I used to come for this carnival with my (m/p) every spring. It's a great place. Trust me.'

Nico sighs looking into your (e/c) knowing he wasn't going to win 'fine, only for a little while. Then we can go home and cuddle.'

You beam 'sounds like a plan.'

The two of you walked through the winding stalls aimlessly as you told Nico past stories of you time in this carnival.

You were radiating with excitement, bouncing up and down whenever you saw something that reminded you of the past.

Nico found it easy to tune out the rest of the people there, keeping his full focus on you.

'I can't believe that stall is still here!' You exclaim rushing over to a game booth pulling Nico by the hand along. 'I mean that game's pretty popular, but the same stall since I was 7?'

'They need an upgrade.'

'No kidding' you say looking at the huge warn out basket that had flakes of white paint peeling off it.

'Let's try it.'

You turn to Nico 'all these games are rigged, so don't get your hopes up.'

'Isn't it tradition for the boyfriend to win the girlfriend something?'

You raise an eyebrow 'Let's see who can get the most balls in.'

'You're on (y/n).'

You and Nico paid for the tries, you allowed Nico to go first, his concentration set on getting the rubber ball into the basket further away.

You put your hands on his shoulders massaging it teasingly 'You got this babe.'

Nico threw the first rubber ball and it bounces off the brim of the basket. He throws the second one, missing the basket entirely, it was only the final ball that he managed to get in.

Dark Prince (Nico Di Angelo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now