Demigods (Part 2)

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 Just a little note (g/p/s) means 'godly parent sign'

‘Ok then, what do you mean by ‘people like us’?’

 He grabs my hand, sliding his fingers between mine ‘Demigods.’


‘Demigods?’ I raise an eyebrow at his serious face, which frankly was quite intimidating at times. ‘ooook…Um how are we going to get the this camp thingy?’ 

Nico smiles and looks down at our intertwined fingers, a slight blush creeping onto his pale cheeks. ‘Shadow travel’

‘What’s tha-‘before I could finish my sentences I felt the darkness engulfing me and out of pure instinct I grab at Nico’s shirt. Holding onto my dear life whist screaming my head off.

When we finally hit the ground again I was still clinging onto Nico quite tightly and my legs felt like jelly causing us to both stumble to the ground. I turn to my right to look at the laughing Di Angelo next to me. His smile lighting up his face ‘A bit of warning next time…before we shadow…jump’ I finished off lamely making Nico laugh again and butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

As we get up and brush ourselves off I finally take in our surroundings, we’re in the heart of a forest and the only thing that stands out are the two very old pillars behind Nico, between them carved into the stone reads ‘Camp Half Blood’

‘Whoa…’ I was speechless.

‘Home sweet home.’ Nico smiled next to me.

 2 week later

I swung my sword again, hearing the clang it made in contact with the black stygian sword it hit. ‘I just don’t get it.’

Nico stops and straightens up ‘What do you not get?’

I sighed, it had been 2 weeks since Nico had brought me to Camp, it was great, I’d fit right in except, I haven’t been claimed yet. ‘Why haven’t I been claimed yet? One of the Hermes kids told me that most people get claimed within a few days of arriving.’ I look down embarrassed.

I could feel him walk up to me, the gravel under his feet crunching. His fingers slip under my chin, causing me to look at him. ‘Don’t worry about it. You’ll find out soon I promise.’ He looked so sincere I felt my heart melt a little.

‘I’m just tired of finding some of my things ‘misplaced’ around the Hermes cabin.’ I laugh trying to ignore how close Nico was to me.

‘You know, you can always camp out in my cabin.’ He smirked at my shocked expression as my face reddens.

‘You wish Di Angelo.’

He shakes his head in amusement ‘come on, I think we’re missing dinner.’ He was right, it was dark now and there weren’t any campers at the arena anymore.

‘FOOD!’ I yelled, charging towards the dinning pavilion with Nico hot on my trail.

 Later that night

We were sat around the campfire as the Apollo cabin sang all kinds of songs, I’m pretty sure at one point someone tried to sing ‘Wrecking Ball’. That didn’t end well. Nico wasn’t here, he didn’t usually come for these social things.

Half way through the songs I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around I was met with a nervous looking Nico, I grinned. He was finally going to join us I thought. I was wrong.

‘There’s something I have to show you.’ He whispered as he held his hand out, I looked back at the campfire, nobody had noticed Nico. So I take his hand and silently slipped away.

As we walk away from the group I asked ‘So what did you want to show me?’

 ‘You’ll see.’

I had seen all of camp when Nico first showed me around so I was intrigued on what he had to show me. We headed down past the cabins and stopped where the beach began.

I looked towards Nico, he seemed on edge. ‘Nico, are you alright?’

He smiled down at me ‘Yeah’

‘So what did you want to show me?’ I asked excited.

‘Um, nothing. Just wanted to be alone with you.’ My heart leaps into my throat.

I let out a small laugh ‘That was kind of lame Nico.’

He took a deep breath and stepped closer ‘Your right. Next time I’ll just say ‘Hey (y/n) follow me because I’m going to go mad if I don’t kiss you.’

I take in a sharp breath. That caught me off guard. I looked up at him and brought my hand up to cup his pale cheek, running my thumb across it.  ‘OK.’

He pulls me closer, and in a heartbeat his lips are on mine and everything around me melts away. It ends too quickly as he pull away. I smile as I rest my forehead on his. He leans into me again but stops.

‘What?’ I ask ‘Nico, what’s wrong?’

He takes a step back staring at the top of my head. ‘Are you serious?’

Looking up I notice a (g/p/s) above my head. ‘Oh.’ I was being claimed.

‘Bad timing!’ Nico whines making me laugh.

‘Come on! Let’s go tell Chiron.’ I pull Nico towards the campfire excitedly ‘I’m going to get my own bed!’

‘Then we finish where we left off?’ he ask, as he snakes his arm around my waist. 

I grin looking up at him ‘Definitely’



This was SO late! i had writer block, and mocks and this conference I had to go to and it was my sister's birthday yesterday so we were out the whole day. Ugh I'm sorry!!

it was just a really busy week.

But here it is, Part 2.

thank you SO SO much for the lovely comments :) You guys are amazing!

Any request on the next one-shot? just ask away and i'll write!


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