7 Minutes in Elysium

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Percy and Annabeth walked out of the Poseidon cabin hand in hand, Percy a glowing smile on his face while Annabeth looked flustered. The group laughed as they sat down at their messy state. You smiled fondly at the two. They were perfect for each other.

A group of demigods had decided to play 7 minutes in Elysium, you agreed to play, hoping that you’d end up in the cabin with Nico. You looked at the Son of Hades sitting next to you, fiddling with his skull ring, hair falling into his eye.

Fortunately so far neither of you had been picked to be with someone else yet.

You brushed the hair away from his face as he looked up at you with a small smile on his lips. The two of you had always been close, somehow while becoming his best friend you had also fallen for him. Hard.

The two of you were too busy sharing a moment that when the bottle landed on you and another fellow camper, neither of you noticed.

Leo cleared his throat.

You look up, embarrassed. Then shock filled you features as you looked at the bottle. Across the field a brown haired and blue eyed boy smiles at you. You feel your stomach twist in a knot this was not what you wanted, though you should have seen it coming, what were your chances of getting Nico anyway.

You got up trying not to look too troubled.

Behind you Nico was trying to calm himself down. He knew he shouldn’t have let you play, should have told you how he felt, now here you were, going to do who knows what in that cabin with someone you didn’t even know!

You walked in the room and turned around. Looking at the other camper, you realized that you didn’t even know his name!

'So um-‘

‘I’m sorry!’


‘I…I can’t do this.’ He looks at you, confused. ‘I don’t even know you’re name!’

‘It’s Tony.’

‘Hi Tony, I really can’t do th-‘

Nico burst through the door ‘(y/n) you can’t-‘he stops midsentence.

‘Nico?’ you ask, you yourself extremely confused ‘What are you doing here?’

‘Is this why you won’t do anything with me?’ Tony ask angrily

‘What? No I just-‘

‘Wow, you really are an idiot, wasting my time.’

You were just about to retort back when Nico walks past you and punches Tony squared in the face, causing him to fall back in pain. ‘Don’t you dare talk to her like that you ass!’  

‘Nico!’ you ran up to him stopping him from throwing another punch at Tony. ‘It’s ok.’ You say placing your hand on his arm, trying to calm him down.

He turns towards you, eyes growing soft. ‘Are you ok?’

You laughed ‘I’m fine, just don’t know if Tony’s nose will be for a few days. You know you’re going to get in trouble now don’t you’

‘You’re worth it.’ He mumbles under his breath, too soft for you to hear.

You were about to ask him why he burst into the cabin in the first place when he starts the walk out of the cabin ‘I’m tired (y/n), I’ll see you in the morning.’

‘Oh, ok.’ He walks away, leaving you alone.

That night all you could think about was Nico, your mind constantly replying Nico running into the cabin. You tossed and turned, trying to get at least a few hours of sleep but you had no such luck.

Frustrated you throw your covers across the bed and softly paddled across your cabin, opening the door quietly and slipping out into the cold night shivering.

You silently ran across the different cabins, finally stopping at cabin 13. What you were doing outside Nico’s cabin you didn’t know. All you knew was that you needed some answers, plus this wouldn’t have been the first time you’d snuck into his cabin.

You opened the cabin door and sneaked in, Nico slept in his bed wrapped up in all of his blankets, a ghost of a smile on his pale lips. His features were relaxed, making your heartrate speed up just looking at them.

You quietly slip under the covers, scooting closer to his sleeping form. Gods you felt like a creep.

‘(Y/n)?’ his sleepy voice finds you as he turns towards you, sitting up.

‘Hi’ you smile apologetically. ‘I’m sorry I woke you up.’

‘S’ok (y/n).’ he smiles at you as he wraps his hands around your waist leaving only a small space between the two of you and your stomach erupting with butterflies ‘what do you need?’

‘Could you answer just one question? Honestly.’

He frowns ‘Sure, what is it?’

 ‘Why did you burst into the cabin earlier?’

You feel him take a deep breath next to you ‘I…(y/n) I…’ he looks into your wide, innocent eyes ‘Oh to hell with it.’

‘Wh-‘. Before you could finish, Nico crashes his lips into yours, it took you a second to respond due to the shock. But you kissed him back with just as much passion, letting all your hidden feeling for him flood out into that one kiss.

You get up to sit on top of him, straddling his hips as you look at him. ‘That’s why huh.’

‘Shut up.’ You see a slight blush making its way across his face making you laugh giddily before capturing his lips with yours once more, this time in a slow kiss.  

 ou feel his hands around your waist, lightly brushing your bare skin where your pajama top met your shorts making you shiver.

Nico pulls away ‘(y/n)?’ he ask as you got off him and wiggled under the covers with him

‘Hmm?’ your arms going around his waist, head on his chest

‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ his voice hesitant

You laugh, kissing him in reply.

‘Take that as a yes then.’ 


Thank you so much AnaLuk for requesting this one-shot!

hope you enjoy it!


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