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You fell into one of the booths in the diner, with Nico sitting on the opposite side.

‘Whew! That was intense!’ you say smiling

Nico laughs ‘Which part? The movie or fighting that monster in the cinema?

You pretended to think for a moment before saying ‘both, both were pretty intense, shame we had to leave before we could see what happened at the end of the movie though.’

Nico lets out another bark of laughter, his face happy and relaxed as he leans back in the booth. He shakes his head in amusement as he looks at you. ‘You’re crazy (y/n)’

You fake a bow ‘thank you, though you are dating me.’

He grabs your hand fondly from across the table ‘yes I am.’ A silly smile lights up his face as you look down trying to hide your blush.

'What can I get for you?’ the two of you were interrupted by a sickly sweet voice. Both you and Nico look up to find a waitress around your age standing on Nico’s side of the table, her back to you.

Nico looks back at you ‘what would you like (y/n)?’

‘Uh’ you picked up the menu in front of you ‘can I get your chicken burger with a side of fries please? Oh and just some water too.’ You look up from the menu at the waitress and your stomach drops. She wasn’t even looking at you, her attention clearly fixed on Nico who himself was going through the menu, unaware of the looks the waitress was giving him.

You cleared your throat, finally gaining her attention. ‘Got it.’ she says scowling at you before turning back to Nico. ‘And what would you like?’

He looks back at the waitress ‘same for me.’

She beams back at him saying ‘sure thing hon.’ before walking away.

‘So do you think we should tell Chiron about the mons…hey are you ok?’ Nico ask as he reached for your hand again noticing your frown.

‘Huh? What, oh yeah I’m fine. What were you saying?’

‘Think we should tell Chiron about the monster attack in the cinema?’

‘Yeah, I think so. Wonder what it was doing in there, couldn’t have been waiting for us right?’

‘I don’t think they’d be smart enough’ Nico says fiddling with the bracelet on your wrist as he smiles at you.

He loved your hands, he was always holding them, or running his finger along them or sometimes fiddle you’re your bracelets. You smile softy, the waitress forgotten enjoying the silent moment you had with Nico.

The sound of a clattering plate brought the both you to reality, as your burger was slammed in front of you. You look up shocked at the waitress as she placed Nico’s plate down. By the side of his burger is a piece of paper, Nico opens it. ‘What is this?’ he asks the waitress

She smiles coyly at him ‘my number, incase you get bored.’  Your mouth falls open and you feel the jealousy burn through you as you stare daggers at her.

Nico uncomfortably shifts in his seat ‘Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to be needing it.’ He says as he hands the piece of paper back to the waitress who angrily grabs it and walks away.

‘That was, uh interesting.’ Nico says, breaking the silence.


The both of you dig into your food, fighting that monster in the dark had left you hunger and by the time the waitress comes back you’d finished eating. As she walked up to your table her trap tilts and a glass of water falls on your plate and on splashes onto you.

Nico’s eyes widen with shock ‘(y/n), are you-‘

‘Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! The klutz I am!’ The waitress had set down Nico’s water and was apologizing to him, hand on his shoulder, smiling teasingly.

You look at her furiously but before you could say anything Nico brushes her hand off his shoulder and get up. ‘Come on (y/n), let’s get out of here.’ He sets down some cash and gives the waitress a deathly glare.

You get up as well ‘and next time if you’d stop hungrily looking at my boyfrien, that would be great.’ You say sassily as you take Nico’s hand and walk out.

As the two of you walk across the street Nico looks at you a huge grin on his face. ‘What?!’ you ask

His smile just widens as he says ‘so I’m you’re boyfriend now?’

 You turn crimson ‘Shut up.’



So Christmas is coming up and i wanted to do something special to celebrate!

so starting from next Sunday, i'll be doing a Christmas 5 day countdown, a one-shot related to christmas each day.

So! if you have any suggestions for those 5 oneshots, just comment below!


Dark Prince (Nico Di Angelo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now