Asking You Out

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Let's just iamgine that you're a weee bit spanish for this one-shot.


You sat on one of the wooden chairs next to Leo’s work table as he worked on another one of his projects.

You and Leo had been best friends ever since you’d come to camp screaming and panicking in (y/n/l). He’d always remember how you were in such a shock that you weren’t able to stop speaking in your native language for a few hours.

Leo smiled at the memory as he tried to screw two metal parts together. ‘What are you smiling about?’ you asked suspiciously

‘Just remembering that good only day when you first got here.’

You felt you cheeks redden ‘I thought we were never to speak of that day ever again.’

‘I wasn’t speaking, I was thinking about it.’

You huffed as you mumbled something under your breath in Spanish 

Leo looks up at you ‘Que?’ you shake your head replying in Spanish, saying that you didn’t say anything.

Over the next few minutes the two of you continued talking in rapid Spanish. That was how Nico found the both of you, he couldn’t tell if you were arguing or just talking extremely fast, he could make out a bit of what the two of you were saying.

Nico didn’t know you well but he had seen your smile around camp before. He didn’t know why but it made his heart leap a little when you looked up, noticing him at the door of the cabin. Your (e/c) staring intensely into his chocolate eyes.

As you looked up from the work Leo was doing, you had noticed Nico standing at the doorway, you were surprised to find his eyes on you, making you blush. ‘Uh, hi.’ You manage to stutter out

You didn’t know why, but you’d always liked Nico, ever since you got to camp. You mentally slapped yourself, how could you like someone you’d never spoken too before?

Leo looks up from his working, turning around towards Nico ‘Oh hey man. What’s up?’

‘Chiron’s looking for you, the quest is tomorrow.’

Leo’s eyes widen ‘Oh yea!’ he jumps up saying an addios before running out.

Leaving you alone with Nico. ‘(y/n) right.’

‘Yeah, child of (g/p)’

‘Nico, hades kid.’ He shrugs as he walks in

You smile ‘I guessed.’

The two of you began to talk, as Nico sat down next to you.

6 months later

You and Nico had grown closer since that day, he had felt drawn to you and you, and well you’ve always felt drawn to him.

Today Nico was planning to ask you out. He had been dying to ask you out for ages but he kept putting it off, what if you didn’t want to go out with him? What if you didn’t feel the same way?

Nico pushed those thoughts aside as he shadow travelled to a nice little spot at one of the beaches on the coast of Spain, he had laid out a picnic for the two of you. Then he would ask you out.

But Nico was nervous. He was extremely nervous. He felt his stomach do little flips. ‘Calm down.’ He scolded himself ‘You’re the Ghost king for crying out loud! Asking (y/n out will be fine. I hope.’

Once he was sure that everything was ready, he made his way back to camp. You had been waiting for Nico at the beach thinking that the two of you were going to take a walk on the beach.

‘Hey you.’ you say when you spot him jogging up to you.

Nico smiles nervously ‘Hey, about the walk, I may have lied.’

‘Lied?’ you ask confused  

‘Yeah, we’re still going to a beach, just not in this continent.’

Nico grabs your hand as he shadow travels both of you to the sunny beach where the picnic lay.

You looked around in awe at the crystal clear waters and pale sand. ‘Whoa.’

You didn’t realize but you were still holding on tight to his hand, Nico was not complaining as he observed the ever growing smile on your face.

‘We’re in Spain.’ You state overwhelmed

‘Yeah, yeah we are.’

A few hours later

You and Nico were relaxing on the beach, well you were relaxing, Nico on the other hand was trying to get the courage to ask you out. He’d just never felt so nervous in his life. He was playing with his skull ring, pulling it off his finger and back on again.

You had noticed that, realizing months ago that it was a sign that Nico was feeling uneasy ‘Nico, are you ok?’

Too fast he replies ‘Yup, I’m fine.’ But after a pause ‘actually-‘

Nico was cut off when the ground starts to tremble, a hand coming from the cracks forming around the two of you.

You quickly pull out a dagger slung from your shorts, stabbing the skeleton closest to you, causing it to draw back slightly.

Nico was in shock, which was one way to put it. He felt that with the growing shock and confusing, his nervousness was dying down.

He takes a shaky breath before raising his hand at the skeletons, ordering them back to the Underworld. Nico falls back on the sand next to you.

‘That was, weird. Why did they come?’ you ask lying next to him

‘I…I accidently summoned them.’


‘I think they sensed my…nervousness and thought I was in danger.’

‘Why were you nervous?’ you turn towards the blushing Ghost King

‘I was trying to…ask you out.’

Your smile falls off your face when you realize what he says, replacing it with staggered look. ‘You…I…yes.’


‘Yes, I’ll go out with you.’


thanks @ImaneDiAngelo for the request!

requests are always open, so if you'd like a one-shot just ask way.



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