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One month later

I had just gotten home from the hospital two weeks ago, my wrist was feeling better, but my leg has another two weeks in a cast, then I can start physical therapy. my parents went back home after got home. Even though I was discharged I spent most of my time in the NICU with Marco. He was getting stronger every day last week he finally opened those beautiful brown eyes. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more he looked at me.

I spent most of the days here alone, Antonio has been working like crazy to find the guy who did this, but I was getting worried and I felt guilty because I knew what I asked him to do egged him on, but right now I just wanted him home and lately he hasn't been coming home or he would come on really late. Gaby has been a great help on her days off she would come over and help me around the house, even though I told her she didn't have to. But she wouldn't take no for an answer.

I was reading to Marco when Isaac came into the nursery

"Hey how are you doing?"

"I'm doing ok."

"That's good you look good." He said and I felt a little uncomfortable from the way he looked at me

"How is Marco?"

"He's doing well thanks for asking."

"That's great, you know I think he looks like you."

"No way you should see him, and Diego together their twins. Well triplets I guess because they both look like Antonio." I said with a smile

"Hmm if you say so. You know I haven't seen him around much lately."

"He's working on a big case; the sooner he finishes the more time he has." I lied but I didn't feel comfortable talking to him about the state of my relationship. My memory was still fuzzy, but I really can't put my finger on it, but something is just off about him now. He's been really nice, but I just don't feel right being around him.

"If you want my opinion, he should be with you and the baby taking care of you. That's what I'd being doing if I was in his position."

"But you're not." I turned to see a tired Antonio standing in the doorway of the NICU, he walked over to Isaac and got in his face

"Antonio." I warned

"You stay the hell away from my family." He spoke

"I was just being her friend; she needs one with you being gone all the time didn't you forget she's still recovering from getting run over."

"You think I don't see the way you look at her, you've been sprung over her since the day I met you. Guess what you lost, she chose me, so you back the hell off." He said then shoved him

"Antonio!" I grabbed my crutches and got myself up

"If you touch me again, I'll press charges, I have no problem putting thugs like you in jail."

Antonio moved forward but I got in front of him

"This is still my place of work and our son is right there, so stop it." I said, and he glared at me then at him and Isaac left the NICU.

"What the hell was that?" I asked him

"You tell me, he's always hanging around, make it stop I will."

"Calm down." I said putting a hand on his arm. He looked at me and sighed

"I'm sorry."

"Baby what is going on? I've never seen you like this."

Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now