Friends again

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"Dawson?" I heard as I cracked open one eye, we were still on the couch, and his arms were around me. I could feel him rubbing my back and I looked up at him

"Yeah, ok I'll meet you there." He said I heard the phone hit the table then I looked up at him

"Sleeping together wasn't part of the deal." I said looking into his eyes

"Why I think this was little more tame than the last night we spent together." He said with a smirk then he ran his fingers through my hair, then rested his hand right next to wound

"How's your head?"

"It hurts."

"Well you should get up and take your meds, then go back to sleep. While I go catch bad guys."

"Any word on April?" I asked

"Not yet, we're questioning people at Statesville but Voight just told me her son is missing too.'

"Wait what?" I sat up a little to quickly because the dizziness came back I tried to shake it off

"You ok?"

"Just a little dizzy , that's to be expected. So April and son are both missing."

"Yeah so now we might have to consider that she was involved ."

"There's no way, I know April and she wanted nothing to do with him."

"And you're 100% sure about that?"

"Yes! She's been dating Dr. Wallace, she up for a promotion, and she loves that hospital, and the people in it she would never put us danger like that." I said and he looked at me

"Ok, I got to get ready to go." He stood up and went upstairs

I got up and walked into the kitchen, trying to find some food I eat when I'm stressed, but he had no food at all. Just some milk that spoiled three days ago

"So you don't eat?" I called

"There's take out menus in the drawer closest to the door."

"What about breakfast? You know the most important meal of the day." I said but I got no response I figured he was in the shower. I just sat down on the couch and channel surfed until I settled on the news, and they were reporting on the shooting. The receptionist has made it but the officer died of his injuries early this morning. I felt a weight on my chest as they talked about his wife and three children, his youngest a newborn.

"Hey you shouldn't be watching this." Antonio appeared behind the couch

"If I had been there, if my head was in the game maybe he would still be here."

"Don't do this to yourself, you were a victim in the shooting like everyone in that ER, and you got hurt. Did you ever think that maybe the time you took care of him helped him survive this long?"

"It's just a lot to process. Did you know him?"

"Not personally no, but from what I heard he was a good man, a good cop."

"Will you keep me updated on what's happening?"

"Yeah I'll call you when I can. I brought you some sweats so you can shower and change, I'll take you home when I get off."

"What time do you get off?" I asked and he looked at me then his phone rang


"Where?" He said then looked at me

"I'm leaving the house now. I'll pick up Atwater and we'll be there." He said then hung up

"I got to go." He said walking over to a safe and punched in a code and pulled out his weapon

"They found the van."


"Near Crystal Lake."

"April and Malik?"

"I don't know, yet. Here order out if you want I'll see you later." He said handing me some money

"Antonio." I stood he turned and looked at me

"Be careful." I said and he nodded with a small smile then he left, leaving me to my own devices


I made it back home around 9, I walked in to music playing and the house smelling of good food. I put my gun away then I walked into the kitchen where I found Alayna dancing around as she fixed two plates. I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face she was so beautiful, with her hair pulled into a bun, no make-up, wearing my sweats. I could get use to coming home to this

"Nice moves Cortez." I spoke up and she jumped, I laughed

"That's not funny. Is April ok?" She asked we found her and Malik a couple of hours ago

"She's a little banged up but she'll be ok."

"Thank God."

"Malik ok too?"

"Yes they are both sleeping off the exhaustion at her parents house."

"Thank you."

"Well she did most of the work, she a tough lady."

"Yeah she is."

"Well you made back just in time, food's hot."

"I see that, it smells good too. How did you get to the store?"

"I had it delivered, so now your fridge is fully stocked, so is your pantry." She said and I walked over and opened the fridge. It was filled with all the basic foods and then some. I smiled at her

"You are amazing."

"I know." She said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes

"Go wash your hands and come eat."

"Yes ma'am." I did as I was told when I got back into the kitchen she was sitting at the table with the two plates

"This looks great, I love pot roast."

"It's one of my favorites too, so I thought I'd cook it and you could have a little." She smiled, I loved that smile

"How generous. What did you do all day?"

"Sleep, eat, and watch daytime t.v. Which really sucks by the way, did you know Luke was alive again on 'General Hospital'? That guy has more lives than a cat."


"And they do absolutely nothing medical on that show."

"Somebody is always getting shot on there."

"That's on any soap, you market yourself as a hospital show but you barely show the hospital." She said and I couldn't help but laugh this time

"You really need to go back to work."

"Oh my God tell me about it. Six more days of this I'm doing to die."

"You can't die before our date this weekend."

"What date?"

"The one you agreed to."

"Oh you mean the one I never said yes to? If I remember correctly you're supposed to wait for my call." She said and I leaned in and kissed her

"I would wait but you're always getting caught up in shootings, bombings, or being held hostage."

"Well all of that got your attention didn't it?' She asked with a smile

"You already had it, but I like the dramatics." I winked

"Saturday at 7 you pick the place." 

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Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now