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"Fuck!" I punched another hole in the wall. She wasn't supposed to be in the way, that hit was meant for him. That piece of shit cop that ruined her! I walked over to one of the many pictures I had of her and I ran my fingers over it very gently those soft full lips, kept me up at night thinking about when I felt those lips on mine, I felt myself start to get excited when someone banged on my door. I kissed the picture then I left the room pulling the door shut behind me

"Isaac Welsh Chicago pd!"

I froze 'stay calm you covered your tracks' I thought. I grabbed my ice pack and put it on my bruised eye and I opened the door

"Hi Mr. Welsh I'm detective Lindsey, this sergeant Voight, and detective Dawson may we come in?" she asked and I looked at Detective Dawson then I nodded

"Sure it's doctor actually. Is this about my car? Did you find the thug who assaulted me?"

"No but we have found your car. Down the street from Molly's bar after running over Dr. Alayna Cortez."

"Alayna's in the hospital? I have to go." I said sat the ice pack on the table and tried to head for the door but Dawson blocked my way

"We just have a few questions."

"About what? My friend is in the hospital! And she pregnant."

"How did you know she's pregnant? She hadn't told anybody at work yet." Dawson asked

"She told me today, it's a boy."

"Do know for any reason why your car would be involved with this?"

"it was stolen! Why do people steal cars? He was probably joy riding or drunk driving I don't know." I said looking at Voight as he started to walk around my living room."

"A hell of a coincidence isn't it? You were the punk standing out front of the hospital today giving me dirty looks. Now your car involved with trying to kill my family. If I find out you had something to do with it."

"Hey, she was my friend before she even met you!" I snapped and he got in my face

"Antonio, chill out man." Erin said stepping in between us then I looked over and seen Voight going over towards my office space

'Hey! Do you mind! I'm the one who attacked and robbed, and you're attacking me like I'm the suspect." Voight smirked and walked back over

"Just give us a description of the man who took your car and we'll be out of your hair." He said

"I already told the other cops."

"Yeah but now you're talking to me." He said

"He was white he had a hood on so I couldn't really see his face."

"Eye color?" detective Lindsey asked me

"I don't know blue maybe."

"You don't sound like a man who wants his car back." Voight said

"It's totaled what am I going to do with that?"

"We never said it was totaled, it's a mess definitely going to need a new windshield but it runs fine." Lindsey said

"Are we done here? I would like to go check on my friend." I said

"Yeah thanks for all of your help." She said and they left. I let out the breath I was holding and went to lock my office. Then I caught a cab to Chicago Med



"Did that seem right to you?" Erin asked

"No he's hiding something. I know it the way he looked at me through that window this morning. It's doesn't sit right with me."

"I agree I would like to know what he's hiding in that room." Voight said

"Yeah but we should get back to the hospital."

"No we need to find out who did this!"

"We're at a dead end right now, we will work on finding the carjacker but you need to be there for your girl." Voight said and I nodded I didn't want her to wake up alone.

I couldn't sit still sitting Alayna had been in surgery for over two hours. I closed my eyes and said another prayer

"Antonio." I looked up to see Dr. Choi and Dr. Bennett coming over. I stood up and met them half way. "How is she?"

"She's doing fine we were able to stop the bleeding, her vitals are stable. She's going to make a full recovery."

"And the baby?" Gaby asked

"He held a strong heartbeat all the way through. We're going to watch closely but mom and baby are doing good."

"Alright! Good work docs !" Hermann shouted

"Can I see her?"

"Yeah come on."

I walked in she was still out. I just took her hand in mine and kissed it

"Doc said you did great in surgery. You and our boy are fighters that much is pretty clear." I laid my head on the bed and I broke down the fear and worry I've been struggling with finally let go

"Wake up please. I need you I love you so much. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Please baby." I said rubbing her cheek. Then I just cried because there was nothing I could do


Hey guys updates are going to be a little slow for a while. I lost my mom earlier this year so these holidays have been tough and on top of that I work in healthcare and all of this madness has me in a bit of a funk but I'm going to try to stay consistent with updates at least once a week.

I wish you all have a happy holiday

Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now