Eight months later

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Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you

"Happy birthday dear Marco, happy birthday to you!"

"Blow out the candles big boy." I said from behind the camera as Diego helped him blowout the candles then I snapped a picture of the two of them

"You ready for some cake big man?" Antonio said to him as he took the candle out of the little cake, we got just for him

"I'll get the cupcakes." My mom said

"Thank you." I said as I kept taking pictures

Today was a very happy day Marco turned one and he was happy and healthy as ever. We were so blessed our family was stronger than ever, my dad was even being cordial to Antonio. My parents came down for his birthday, it was a small party just family. I smiled as I watched Marco tear into his cake without hesitation, that boy has an appetite like his brother Diego alone could eat us out of house and home. I loved watching the three of them together Marco, Eva, and Diego. Eva and Diego were so attentive to him and Marco loved being with them. As I took another picture, I felt arms wrap around my waist, I leaned back into Antonio

"You did good mama." He said then kissed my cheek

"Did you ever think we'd be here a year ago? He was so little now look at him."

"I was worried but I knew he was going to pull through, because we made him all strength." He said and I looked into the his eyes and saw so much love I couldn't imagine my life without this man

"Layna did you get ice cream?" My dad asked we chuckled as he broke our little moment

"Yeah, it's in the freezer, three different kinds."

"I don't think so." He said and I rolled my eyes he never looked good for anything

"That's my cue." I said then pecked his lips and went to get the ice cream for my dad


I walked over to Ray, we weren't friends exactly, but we were cordial for Alayna's sake

"Hey, Ray can I talk you for a second, in private." I asked and he nodded, and I led him out onto the back patio

"What's up?" He asked and I pulled the little black box out of my pocket and opened it showing him the two-carat emerald cut diamond ring I bought last week

"I figured that's what this was about."

"I love your daughter, I love everything about her, her laugh, her singing even though she cannot sing at all," I chuckled and he did too

"Her and Monica have that in common." He said

"We've been through a lot, most people wouldn't have made it thorough but we did and we're here one year later. Our son is healthy, my kids love her and she loves my kids the life we have built together is pretty great but I want to make it official. So I'm asking for your blessing to ask your daughter to marry me."

"You know I wasn't crazy about you at first." He said

'That's an understatement' I thought

"But I've never seen her happier and that's all I can ever ask for. Don't hurt her and you have my blessing." He said hold out his hand and I shook it

"Never." I said with a smile

"When are you asking her?" he handed me the ring back and put it back in my pocket

"I have an idea I just have to work out some of the finishing touches, so hopefully next week."

"What are you two handsome guys up to?" We looked over to see Alayna standing in the door with a smile on her face, god she was so beautiful

"I was just telling him how the Tigers are going to kick the Cubs asses this season." Ray said spoke up

"Oh no doubt." She agreed

"Both of you are dreaming, I think the heats getting to you." I teased as Ray walked back in, he kissed her cheek

"Come on daddy I left you the honor of cleaning off the cake monster." She said to me

"Aw you're so sweet." I said wrapping my arms around her waist then I pecked her lips

"I know I thought you would like that."

I wrapped an arm around her we walked back inside

I checked all the doors and windows then I made sure the alarm was set, then I headed upstairs. I checked in the kids Diego and Marco were asleep but Eva was still up doing her nails, I told her good not and not to stay up too late, then I walked into our bedroom, I pulled off my shirt when I heard the shower running in our bathroom. I smirked then pulled off my pants and boxers then I stepped into the shower behind Alayna and pulled her back into my chest. I moved her hair to side and started kissing her neck, I felt her relax against me then she turned and pressed her lips on mine.


I walked out of the OR, lightly stretching my arms after a 6-hour surgery. I was going to get the chart when I saw Antonio with Sharon.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked walked over

"It's our snack day at the daycare, did you forget?" He asked, I frowned

"No. our day is Friday,"

"No baby you told me to grab some after I left the gym this morning."

"Did I?" I asked I didn't remember this conversation at all

"Yeah, Sharon spotted me and gave me an update on our victim, well I got to get back to the precinct." He said then kissed my cheek and then he was gone

"Are you ok?" Sharon asked and I nodded

"I must be losing it, I really thought our snack day was Friday."

"I think we're all loosing it a little, but that's to be expected from working here." She said and I chuckled

"Walk with me and tell me about your surgery." She said and I talked her through my surgery I just did.

"Alayna think you need to relax." Natalie said to me

"No, he's up to something!" I said

Antonio had been acting weird all week, I don't know what he was up to but I was going to figure it out. I hope he didn't go undercover without telling me again

"Calm down listen I got an extra spa pass, from my dad for my birthday let's go."

"I could use it when do you want to go?"

"We're both off tomorrow right? Lets go."

"I just have to run it by Antonio, make sure he can handle all three kids."

"He's a professional dad he's got it, be ready at 10 in the morning." She said then walked away.

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