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I was at the Molly's with Natalie, and Gaby having a drink after the long day. There was a school bus crash, one fatality a 16-year-old boy, two kids staying a Med for a couple of days, the teacher is being released tomorrow, and the rest were sent home with just a few bumps and bruises.

"Where's Alec?" Natalie asked

"He texted not too long ago went home to be with his kids." I told her

"Can you blame him? After today if I had kids that's where I'd be." Gaby said and we nodded in agreement

"So, where's your man?" Natalie teased me I rolled my eyes

"Don't ever call him that again." I said and they laughed

"Isaac is finally seeing someone." I told them

"Oh my God it's a miracle!" Gaby exclaimed

"Who? And why would she do that to herself?" Natalie asked

"You know Anna from dermatology?"

"That explains it, they are weird up there."

"I know! They pop pimples for a living." I said

"That's gross." Gaby said and we laughed

"Sounds like you guys are having fun." Antonio said appearing out of nowhere

"Hey what are you doing here?" Gaby said

"Great customer service sis." He said taking the empty seat next to me

"That's not what I meant, and you know it." She said as he grabbed our bottle and poured a shot knocking it back

"Wow." Gaby said

"Aren't you still on pain meds? You should not be drinking." I said to him

"I stopped taking them last week." He said taking another shot

"So, I'm good." He said giving me a sarcastic smile

"You should slow down." Gaby said pulling the bottle of his reach

"I'm good." He said taking the bottle back


"Laura left, and she took my kids." He said then took another shot

"Alright that's my cue." Natalie said and I stood too

"Yeah I should go too, give you two sometime to talk."

"Stay, I really don't feel like talking." Antonio said pouring another shot

"I'll see you guys tomorrow for the race." Gaby said and I waved as Natalie and I left the bar

"I hope everything is ok." She said to me

"He's going through a lot. I'll see you." I said getting into my car

I was scrubbing out from surgery, when then was a giant 'boom' and the whole building rattled

"Oh my God!" Maureen, my scrub nurse

"What the hell was that?" I said then my pager went off

"Code Black Emergency Department"

"Code Black Emergency Department"

"Alright listen up we are in a code black situation and this is not a drill!" I told my team and the all looked scared

"Oh God!"


"Hey! Listen up we got to keep our heads cool we are trained first responders this what we do. Now we're going to keep our heads ok?" I said and they nodded

"We're going to follow the hospitals plan calmly go check on patients while I go find out more."

"How do we know this place isn't about to cave in!?" Dr. Taylor, anesthesiologist

"Because if it were it probably would have happened already, that blast sounded close, but we don't know anything at this point. So once again keep your head and go check on the patients! Now!" I said and they began to move, and I left the OR and picked up my in-house cell

"Alayna thank god your ok." Banfield said as soon as she picked up

"Yeah I just got out of surgery, and I heard the explosion."

"The ER is gone we need you done here now."

"I'm coming is this side of the hospital coming down too?"

"We'll know more once the CFD gets here but the ER took the brunt of the hit."

"I'm coming." I said then hung and went to inform the staff

"This side is good we're needed on the other side at the ER, I'm headed over there now you let everybody else know." I said and I rushed over to the other side

"Wilhite! What's the word?" I asked catching up with him

"I'm hearing a bomb at the starting line, ER is down they are triaging in a tent across the street we're moving people in through outpatient surgery,"

"Ok I'll head out and help triage call if you need me."

"Ok be safe."

I made it outside and the devastation was out of this world people were everywhere, I spotted so far at least 6 black tags. The whole outside face of the hospital was gone

"Jesus." I said to myself then I quickly said and prayer and got to work.

I am not so sure how long it had been, but we were starting to run low on supplies, and the amount of black tags have gone up by double. I was wrapping a lady's head when I heard.

"We got Dawson!" I turned to a group of firemen cheering, it took a minute for it to click, Gaby. I quicky finished with the lady then I ran over as they lowered the mobile board and she got up

"Hold on chick. Are you ok?" I asked checking her pupils then she sat up

"I'm good."

"Dizzy? Nauseous?"

"A little dizzy."

"Alright I'm going to send you inside for a head CT and breathing treatment, you've been inhaling this stuff for god know how long."

"I got her." Matt said standing beside her.

"Take her in through the trauma entrance, I'll be in there shortly." I said

"Thank you, Alayna." She said as Matt helped her inside, I sighed and looked around this seemed never ending

"Hey Doc." I looked over to see Hank Voight and his team with Chief Bolden I walked over

"What's the word?"

"18 dead, 15 in critical, 7 in surgery, 3 of ours unaccounted, and at least 30 people injured." I said

"The sign ups had just started when the bomb detonated, we may have more civilians under the rubble." Chief Bolden said as my pager went off

"I got to get inside." I said and they nodded I headed towards the hospital when Antonio stopped me

"Hey are you ok?"

"I'm fine I was just coming out of surgery when it happened. Keep me updated until you find this bastard."


"I got to go see about Gaby."

"Gaby's here!" He snapped

"She's ok I swear."

"Take me to her."

"Come on." 

Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now