Save Her

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I watched in horror as Alayna flew over the car after impact it was like a split second then she hit the ground hard,

"Alayna!" I ran over there was a lot of blood as I checked her pulse it was still there

"Hang on. Somebody help!" I shouted and I heard a door open

"Antonio? Oh my God!" I looked up to see Erin and Jay running over

"I'm calling 911." She pulling out her phone

"What happened brother?" Jay asked

"I-I don't know the car came out of nowhere. Baby wake up please!" I said looking down at her


"Alayna! What happened?" Gaby asked kneeling beside us

"Hit-and-run," Jay answered as I just stared at her not moving

"Pupils are dilated possible brain bleed,"

That's when my eyes landed on her growing bump, the baby.

"The baby? Gaby what about the baby?" I asked

"I don't know we'll know more when the ambo gets here." She said

"Where the hell are they!?" I snapped

"It's here,"

"What do we got?"

"Dr. Alayna Cortez, hit-and-run victim, possible brain bleed, and she's 20 weeks pregnant." I watched as they hooked her up to a machine

"Low pulse,"

"Chout do we have a fetal heartbeat?" Gaby asked and he put on the stethoscope and felt around

"We need to get her to Med now." He said

"What does that mean? Is the baby ok?" I asked

"They have better equipment to check at the hospital." They lifted her on the gurney

"I'm coming with her."

"Antonio we're right behind you." Gaby said and I nodded then I climbed in taking her hand and I kissed it and held it tight we got to Med and they took her inside I was right there still holding her hand

"I'm right here baby."

"Antonio you have to step out."

"No I'm not leaving her!"

"You have to let us do our jobs, you need to step out." I watched at they cut her shirt open and you could see the cut and bruises on her body

"Antonio," I heard my name I heard people speaking but I wasn't listening I was focus on the love of my life

"Antonio!" I snapped out of my trance and Dr. Banfield was stand in front of me

"Come on I need you to let go for now, so they can take care of her."

"But the baby?"

"I have a fetal heartbeat." I heard and I looked down and they were checking her belly

"Alright now let go and come with me." She said again as she guiding me out of the room and into the waiting room

"I can't lose her." I said wiping my eyes

"You're not she's going to be ok, I know she will."

"Antonio." I heard my name and I looked up to see Voight walking over to me he came and pulled me into a hug I let a few tears go as he patted my back

"How is she?"

"I don't know something about a brain bleed, maybe some broken bones."

"The baby?"

"He has a heartbeat, but I don't know what any of this could mean for him." I said

"What happened?"

"We were walking to the car, we stopped because she said she thought she figured out who had been stalking her. Then she pushed me out the way just as the car hit her."

"What kind of car was it?"

"I don't know, my back was to it and after the hit I was just focused on her."

"We're going to find this prick, I'm going to put a bolo out on any sedan with any bumps, dents, or cracked windshield." He said as the doors opened and in came everyone who was at Molly's

"Antonio how is she?" Gaby asked and I just shook my head

"I'm going to get an update." Dr. Banfield said

"Thank you." Gaby said

"Did they say anything about the baby?" Gaby asked

"There's a heartbeat."

"That's good news they're going to come out of this." Casey said and I nodded I didn't want to hear it I needed to see her. I needed her to open her eyes and smile at me, I want her to talk to me. I don't know what I'd if I never get to do any of those things again. I started to pace hoping I could escape these thoughts. I just kept hoping I would wake up in our bed and this would all be a dream

"Antonio?" I looked up to see Dr. Banfield and Dr. Choi

"How is she is she ok?"

"We're going to have to take her into surgery, she has a Basilar fracture, which is a skull fracture as the base of the skull. The good news is she doesn't appear to have any spinal damage, no leaking fluids nothing broken. We do need to stabilize the bleeding in the brain. Dr. Bennett will meet us up there to monitor the baby during the surgery."

"Ok do what you need to do, just save her please."

"Of course." He walked away but I ran to catch up with him


Yeah?" I took a deep breath

"Do what you can but if it comes down to Alayna or the baby, save her we can always make another baby we can't make another Alayna."

"Of course, Alayna is my patient, the baby is Bennett's. Alayna is my main focus." he said and walked back into the waiting room, and we fell into silence

"Antonio did you call her parents?" Gaby asked and I shook my head

"I called them." Dr Benfield spoke up

"they're on the way down."

"Thank you." I said wiping my eyes and Gaby rubbed my back.

"Hank." Erin came in and motioned for him, I stood up and walked over

"What do you got?" I asked

"Antonio just stay here and worry about your family we got this." Voight said

"No some bastard just tried to kill me tonight, and he got my girl and my baby. What do you got, Erin?" I asked her

"We found the car," she said


"Two blocks down from the bar windshield totally busted they weren't getting far. Crime lab is dusting for prints, blood there's no way whoever was in there walked away unhurt,"

"We got a name?" Hank asked

"Car is registered to an Isaac Welsh." She said and I looked at her

"He works here, he's a doctor." I said

"Yeah well get this earlier today he reported the car stolen. Says he was assaulted by some white guy in a black hoodie outside of his apartment,"

"It's worth a visit." Hank said

"Let's go." I said

"Antonio you need to be here." Voight told me

"I need to find out who did this to my family. So, you take me with you or I'll go on my own."

'Okay but you let me take the lead." He said and I nodded we left

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