Oh baby

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"It's not changing" Natalie said

"It has too!" I snapped looking at the third pregnancy test I've taken

"Hey draw my blood again, we'll run it that way."

"Alayna, no that would be the third blood draw. One false positive is one thing but five?"

"This can't be happening. Oh my God! I think I'm going to be sick."

"Take a breath."

"What am I going to tell Antonio? What is my mom going to say? I've only been gone six months and I'm knocked up!"

"Well I don't know about your mom but Antonio is a good dad right?"

"He's a great dad but his youngest is 9, who's to say he wants more kids. 9 years old half way to 18 now he's starting all over again." I said then my phone rang with a text

"It's him! What does he have sonic hearing?"

"Well you were just sending him dirty pictures."

"I don't even feel pregnant."

"I see symptoms now, you've been eating a lot, hormonal, tired fast, and you're glowing."

"This is not a good time for a baby."

"My mom used to always say if you're waiting for the right moment it will never come." She said and I started to tear up

"That's not very helpful,."

"Stop crying, this is your baby, your body. So I'll tell Harris you're going home sick, and then you go home and you think about it. Don't think about nobody else and figure it out."

"Thanks Natalie."

"Of course, I'll call you when I get off and if you need I'll stop by with tons of junk food." She said and I grabbed my stuff and headed home

"Hey are you ok?" Isaac stopped me

"I'm not feeling so good, I'm going to take a sick day."

"Did you need a ride home? I can take you." He said and I gave him a look

"You're in the middle of a work day."

"I have lunch coming up."

"And I'm sure your girlfriend would spend that time with her."

"We broke up, we actually broke up awhile ago actually."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Isaac."

"I dumped her."

"Isaac not to be rube but what does this have to do with me?" I really didn't have the patience for this right now

"I did it for you! You really can't be this blind, I want to be with you. I have always wanted to be with you, so I'm asking you right now for a chance."

"I-I can't."

"Can't or Won't? because if its work? Then all we have to do-"

"No Isaac I can't, I'm with someone." I said and he looked at me like someone just shot his dog and it was replaced with anger


"That's none of your business. We are just friends, and that's all. Look I'm going home." I said and walked away

Isaac felt his anger rise as Alayna walked away from him. He could focus that need to get what he wanted pounded in his head. He went to chief explained he had a family emergency, then he got in his dark green Honda and drove the route he had fully memorized in his head. Alayna's car wasn't out front, he felt a rush of anger at the thought of her going to be with another man. Then he grabbed his camera out the back so he could get a better look. It was hard with her blinds but not impossible. He felt himself calm down once she sat down her couch staring at a piece of paper. He snapped a few shots just because.

I got another text from Antonio asking if I was coming over tonight

'I'm pretty busy'

'Well I'm come over then, I'll bring pizza?'

I smiled he was so sweet

'No I'm staying at the hospital tonight, rain-check?'

'Of course but at least I got those pictures you sent.' I couldn't help but smile but I really didn't know what to do. I wanted to call my mom but I knew she'd jump into her car and come down but I feel like she would be so disappointed in me.

Three days Later


I rolled my eyes as Alayna's texts as she cancelled another date. I rubbed my face as I racked my brain trying to figure what I could've possibly did to make her start avoiding me. Normally I would talk to Gaby about this but I'm sure she didn't want to hear about our intimate details. So I bit the bullet

"Erin can I talk to for a second?" I asked and she nodded

"In private." I said motioning to the break room we got up and walked in and I shut the door

"What's going on? I've never seen you like this." She said

"If you were seeing someone, and things were going good and the other person all of sudden starts backing off is she- I mean could they be having doubts?"

"So things were going good no fights, or anything like that?"

"No we've been fine, we've actually been very close lately."

"Something happened on her end it sounds like, you're ex maybe?"

"No she's in Wisconsin with her parents, and she doesn't know about Alay- us."

"Nice save, so this mysterious women you've been seeing. You should go see her if she wont talk on the phone show up in person."

"What of she's having doubts? Because I've only been divorced a couple of months."

"Are you having doubts?"

"No." I said and I meant it Laura and I had a great run we made two beautiful children but we were done way before I got shot.

'Go pick up her favorite food, and a 6 pack go to her house and you guys iron this out. Alayna is good for you don't let her slip away." She said and patted my shoulder and walked out. I tried to call her but she didn't answer again, so I was going to her. I was going to get my girl

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