Baby Dawson

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"Alright family, are we ready to see this baby?" Dr. Bennett asked

"Yes." Antonio spoke up and I rolled my eyes

"I'm pretty sure he has a bet on this with someone." I said with a laugh

"Yeah he bet Aunt Gaby 20 bucks." Diego spoke up and I pointed at him


"And 51 and intelligence have a pot going." Eva added

"Well doc you see I have a lot riding on this." Antonio said sitting forward

"Just awful." I said shaking my head at him

"Alright then let's sort this out. "She said putting the gel on my stomach

"Ok and there's the baby."

"It looks like an alien." Diego said and I laughed

"You are an alien," Eva pushed him

"Hey not in here." Antonio stopped them

"Here's the hands and the toes, and the little legs are open." She pointed and my ja.w dropped when I saw it

"It's a boy!" I cried feeling some tears fall, Antonio leaned down and kissed me

"Yes, baby boy Cortez is very healthy and growing right on schedule."

"Dawson." I said wiping my tears


"Baby boy Dawson." I said and she looked at my family and nodded. I looked at Antonio who was beaming

Well congratulations Dawsons." She said

We were leaving we had to drop the kids off the Laura

"I got to grab my stuff; I'll meet you guys at the car." I said and he nodded and kissed my cheek.

I walked into the locker room, it was empty, I couldn't help but take a minute to look at my baby boy

"I can't wait to meet you my love." I said rubbing my stomach

"You're pregnant!?" Isaac snapped as he came out of the bathroom

"Uh yeah we just found out it's a boy, see." I said showing him the picture, then next thing I know he punched a locker

"Isaac what the hell?"

"You selfish bitch!"

"Excuse me?"

"How can you not see I love you! I was there for you when you had no one this city and you just toss me away for him!"

"Calm down!"

"No, he's not good enough for you! I can take care of you!"

"Isaac stop, what is the matter with you?" I grabbed my bag and I tied to leave but he grabbed my arm

"Why don't you want to be with me?" He said looking on the verge of tears

"I don't love you!"

"You are barely my friend, and fact you're acting like this I don't want to be around you. Now let me go." I said and he squeezed tighter

"You're going to regret this." He said and let me go with a shove I stumbled back but I quickly recovered and rushed out of there

I got in the car and Antonio looked at me

"Are you ok?" I looked at him then glanced at the kids in the back

"I'll tell you later, but you owe us ice cream." I said motioning to me and the kids

"When did I make that deal?"

"When you won over a hundred dollars by betting on the sex of our baby."

"Fine you moochers." He said and I slapped fives with Eva and Diego

We sat in the ice cream shop talking about the baby

"So, we want you guys to be involved with everything here on out. So, from here we need baby names, room themes, and help your aunt Gaby with the baby shower." Antonio

"Jarvis is a cool name." Diego said and we all looked at him


"Son you've been watching too many movies." Antonio told him

"I can't think of any names right now, but can we paint his room green? I think that's way cooler than blue."

"I like that idea," I said

"A saw this really cute green and brown combo on Pinterest." She and Diego stuck his tongue out at her

We entered Molly's and spotted Gaby behind the bar she waved then she tapped Hermann and pointed to us

"Everybody shut up!" He called


"What are they talking about?" I asked Antonio

'I have no idea."

"Come on you were finding out the sex today!" Erin spoke up from the other side of the bar

"About that the doc had an emergency delivery so we had to reschedule." Antonio announced and there was a collective 'aww' through the bar

"Really?" Gaby groaned

"Yeah, we go back in two weeks, to check on our baby boy!" I shouted flashing the ultrasound

"I knew it!"

Everyone was cheering the were a few 'no' I, assuming they betted on a girl

"No way let me see that." Gaby said coming over

"Check the date 100% real." Antonio teased and she pushed him then took the ultrasound from me

"I don't see it," She said

"Oh, let me show you, that little thing right there," I said pointing to it

"Can my son have a little decency?' Antonio said taking the picture from her

"Oh please, I'm changing his diapers.'"

"Oh yeah Aunt Gaby the pooper scooper." He said

"You're a jerk." She punched his arm and they started play boxing and I walked over a table with the intelligence plus Will and Natalie, Erin pulled me into a hug

"This baby is going to be so loved." I said to Antonio as we walked out of Molly's

"For sure and he's going to have the best mom in world." He said then kissed me

"You know I liked what the doctor said earlier." He said and I looked at him

"When she called us the Dawsons, nice ring to do don't you think?"

"You would want to get married again? I just kind of assumed you've sworn off marriage."

"I would do it again when the time is right." He said

"And when the time is right, I'll say yes." I said and he kissed me hard

"I got to take you home now!" He said taking my hand I laughed

"I need to talk to you about something." I said as we stepped into the street


"I think I figured out who's been stalking me." I said and he turned and looked at me that when I spotted the car coming at us at high speed

"Antonio look out!" I pushed him out of the way, and I felt the impact of the car, then everything went black 


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