Let's Make Up

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I pulled away from Antonio

"Don't touch me!" I snapped and grabbed my purse and stormed out of the bar,

"Alayna!" I heard Antonio shout as I tied to fine my keys, once I found them and opened the door it was slammed shut

"We need to talk!" Antonio said standing in front of my door

"Oh, now you want to talk? After avoiding me for two weeks you want to talk to me now?!"

"Alayna I'm sorry."

"Sorry? You show up at my door at 3am, you kissed me, we had sex and then you walked out on me. I thought at the very least if things didn't work out between us we would still try to be friends. I at least deserved a conversation, but you treated me like I was some cheap whore!" I snapped then I pushed him out of my way and got in my car and sped home


The next night I was leaving work Isaac was walking with me talking about one of his cases from today but was only half listening. I spent any free time I had today in my thoughts."


"Yeah? I'm sorry what was that?"

"I asked if you wanted to get dinner?"


"Alayna?" We turned to see Antonio I sighed

"Can we talk? Please?" He said and I looked at Isaac

"You go ahead."

"Are you sure?" He asked looking at Antonio

"Yeah I'm fine I'll see you tomorrow." I said walking away before he could say anything else, I know Antonio was following me. I looked back to see that Isaac was gone and I stopped and faced Antonio

"What do you want?" I snapped crossing my arms

"Here." He said holding out a large manila envelope, I looked at it then I him I could see the pleading in his eye. So, I took the envelope and I opened it and pulled out its contents

'Petition for Divorce'

Finalized on Nov 4, 2015

I looked up at him then at the papers again

"Why did you bring me this?"

"This is why I was gone. I don't regret that night, it actually put a lot of things in perspective. I called the lawyer you recommended, she was able to expedite my divorce. We came to a decent compromise, I got a set visitation schedule with my kids, she gets the bakery, I get the house, everything else split down the middle."

"Congratulations." I said handing the papers back

"Alayna I'm sorry, I want to be with you. I want us to work but I knew I had to do it right, Laura and I fell out of love a long time ago but it was normal for us so we tried to force it. Then I met you and it was like a breath of fresh air, I could tell you things I couldn't say to her, no judgement you'd just sit and listen. You are my best friend and I'm falling in love with you."

"And you couldn't have just told me that? Antonio could've at least sent me a text, but you left me twisting in the wind for two weeks. So sorry but I'm not feeling up to your apology right now, I don't know give it another two weeks."

"I messed up I know, but all I'm asking for is a chance. We can take it as slow as you want, just tell me there's a chance for us." He said and I could tell he was telling the truth but I wasn't going to give in so easily

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