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The waiting room was now filled with family, friends and half of the 21st district, he had been in surgery for almost two hours now and I wanted to storm into that OR and see what was going on. I stood up again I really didn't know what to do

"Layna sweetheart come sit with me." Camila said taking my hand and squeezing it tight as I sat down

"Excuse me I'm going to cafeteria can I get you anything?" one of the uniformed officers as and I shook my head

"No thank you." Camila said

"Bring them something anyway." Trudy Platt told him and he nodded

"Comfort food helps," She said sitting across from us

"I think I'll be sick if I eat anything." I said

"Dawson is a tough one, always has been. He saved my life you know." She said and I looked at her

"Yeah he was fresh out of the academy, I was teaching him the ropes. We got this call about helping with a drug bust. We answer the call first on the seen as we approach the door we're hit with a blast from a 12-gauge. I got hit in the hip and went down and the guy went to finish me off but Antonio picked me up in those big strong arms and carried me to safety."

"That sounds like him, always taking care of others." Camila said and I nodded

"Hey." Erin tapped my shoulder and I looked to see Dr. Arata walking over we stood

"We were able to repair the artery but he's lost a lot of blood, but we've got him stable for now. We'll have to see if the repair will hold we might have to go back and do a second surgery." He said and I felt like I could breathe again

"Can I- We see him? I asked and he nodded

"Of course follow me." He led us into the ICU Antonio was in the bed, he looked very pale. I walked over placed my hand on his and he slowly opened his eyes

"Hey baby." He said to me


"I'm sorry." He said

"It's ok, it's ok I'm sorry too."

"Hey bro." Hank said


"You got the whole district out there, we're going to bring these guys down. You just focus on getting better."

"Well I got the best doctor in the world taking care of me I'll be good." He said looking at me

"Yeah you do." Jay said

"She's hot too."

"Antonio!" Camila scolded

"Sorry ma."

"I'll let it slide because you're hurt."

"All the more reason to be tough on him." Ramon said

"I hate to do this right now but we need to ask you some questions." Hank said


"We'll be outside." Ramon said and he and Camila left

"Alayna." Hank said and I shook my head

"I'm not leaving him, not today I'm sorry."

"it's ok, she can stay." He said

"Ill start with the bad then, Vikan is coming for your badge."

"What?" I said looking at Antonio

"Meaning their going to come talk to you and you need to stick with our story." He said to me

"What's the story?"

"We went to dinner and a movie." I said

"Where did you go eat?" Hank asked and I didn't


"You got to have a quicker answer than that."

"He just brought it up and then he was shot, not much time to work out the details."

"Well we got Ruzek out there stalling as it is."

"Fine we went to..Mario's, and I got tired after so we went home and I made you watch the Sex and the City movie with me." I said

"In the meantime were going to put officers on you and kids." Hank said and I looked at Antonio

"The accident.." I started

"It's possible their connected."

"Oh my God."

"Hey, we're not jumping to that yet, but they've obviously had eyes on Antonio since he's been undercover." Erin said and Antonio looked guilty

"You've been undercover?" I asked looking at him


"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I was on a case."

"If you would've given me a heads up I would've laid off, I didn't know what you were doing the nights you didn't come home Antonio." I snapped then there was a knock at the door and in came a tall, bald, guy


"Voight. I have a couple of questions for your detective here."

"He just got out of surgery, I think it's best to let him and his girl have some time alone."

"Then why are you all here?"

"Because they're family." I spoke up and Vikan looked at Voight

"We're going to need an official statement from all who were involved." He said

"First officers on the scene already took care of that." He said

"And who would that be."

"Burgess and Roman." Antonio spoke up and I nodded in agreement even though we haven't talked to anyone about the shooting


"Antonio needs his rest so can you...leave." I said giving him a small smile he glared at me then walked out

"Burgess and Roman are on their way up to take your statements. You did good Alayna." He said and I smiled. They said bye as Burgess and Roman showed up and we gave them our statements and they left leaving us alone

"Are you in any pain?" I asked him

"It hurts like hell."

"I'll go get your nurse." I said then I turned to leave but he grabbed my hand stopping me

"Are we ok?" He asked and I sighed

"The only way this going to work is if you be honest with me."

"Baby I'm sorry."

"let me finish. I don't know what it was like between you and Laura but I do know your job was a sore spot because she didn't understand but I do. Everyone can't do what we do, they can't handle it. The things we've seen, the stories we've heard and maybe that makes us weird because only a handful of people can do this day in and day out and still be able to sleep at night. The call of service is one I totally get but it's still a total mystery to me. I want you to talk to me, like I talk to you because I can handle it."

"I will." He said

"I mean it, you've scared the hell out of me over these last few weeks." I said rubbing his stubble covered cheek

"I'm sorry," he said kissing my palm

"I'll never leave you because of the job." I said then I kissed him 

Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now