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"So you told your parents, then what happened?' Gaby asked as we cooked dinner, tonight we were telling Eva and Diego, we invited her for moral support. Diego and I got along great, Eva was slowly warming up to me but I was worried this was going to set back what little progress I'd made

"Um my dad stormed off, then you heard something break. Then my mom started yelling at him for destroying her living room. Then she looked at us again and started crying."

"Oh my God was she that upset?" Gaby laughed

"I don't know! She never composed herself long enough to explain if they were tears of joy or anger. Long story short we ended the call and my dad texted me later they decided their coming down in two months to meet Antonio in person."

"That is going to be interesting."

"Yeah I just hope my dad calms down a little by the time they make it down, or he's going to kill my baby daddy."

"Good thing Antonio can box."

"Oh God the thought of them fighting makes my stomach turn."

"I'm just kidding, calm down."

"But my dad isn't, my dad and me are Antonio and Eva when she starts dating."

"Oh god he's dead." She said as the front door opened


"Hey and what are you two beautiful ladies talking about?" Antonio asked as he walked in the kitchen

"We're planning you're funeral." Gaby told him as he kissed her cheek and shook his head

"Meeting Laura's parents went better than that."

"Yeah so about that funeral, do you want straight police? Or some catholic elements thrown in." I asked and Gaby laughed

"You two are funny." He said then gave me kiss and went over to the stove

"Don't go in there." I said slapping his arm as he started going through the pots on the stove

"It smells good." He turned and pulled me into his arms

'Hmm you smell good too." He said then nipped at my ear I giggled

"Ew, where are the kids?" Gaby asked

"Putting away their stuff, Diego's hungry."

"What else is new?" Gaby said

"He's a growing boy."

"Well what's your excuse?" I asked looking up at him he rolled his eyes and moved away from me

"I don't have to stand here and take this from the two of you." He said and walked out of the kitchen Gaby and I laughed then me made the plates

"Hey guys." I said to them Eva waved and went to hug Gaby but Diego came and gave me a hug

We sat down to dinner and after we went into the living room where we were going to tell the kids

"So guys Alayna and I have something we want to talk to you about." He said and I smiled at them

"Remember what we talked about, we're a family and I love you guys more than anything and nothing is going to change that."

"Are you guys getting married?" Eva asked

"No," Antonio said shaking his head

"We're having a baby. I'm pregnant." I said

"I get to be the big brother now?" Diego looked proud


"Please don't tell me it's a girl." He sighed we chuckled

"We don't know yet son." Antonio said to him

"Can I keep my room?" He asked

"Uh yeah what did you think was going to happen Diego?" Antonio asked him

"Henry's mom had a baby and they made Henry share his room with the baby and the baby cries all night."

"I promise you can keep your room all to yourself, we will be the only ones up all night with the baby."

"Eva you're quiet, how are you feeling?" I asked her

"You said nothing was going to change." She said to Antonio

"It's not."

"But it is you and mom aren't together, we have to live in a new house with her stupid boyfriend and now you and her are starting a new family. How are things not changing?"

"Eva." I said

"I'm talking to my dad."

"Hey I get that you're upset but you're not going to be disrespectful. Come on lets go talk." He stood up and she just stared

"Eva come on let's go." He said they went upstairs

"Can I go play my video game now?"

"Sure baby boy." Gaby told him then she came and sat next to me

"Hey not the baby anymore." He said we laughed

"Got it old man won't it won't happen again." Gaby told him as he went upstairs. Then she looked at me

"All things considered I don't think it went that bad."

"Really? she hates my guts, I knew this was going to set us back."

"She doesn't hate you. she's just having trouble adjusting, I told Antonio he and Laura should talk about putting her into therapy. give her sometime." She said and I nodded



We sat across from each other in Eva's room but she wouldn't look at me

"I'm ready when you are." I said looking at her

"I don't like this."

"Don't like what?"

"None of it, especially her and Steven."

"Alayna." I corrected

"Whatever, mom said you left us for her."

"And you know that's not true. I never want you to feel any bad way toward your mom, but she decided she had, had enough, and I learned to accept it and move on. Alayna has been a friend to me and we grew to have feelings for each other. I know things are moving a little fast but I want you and Diego along for every step of the way. We're a knot remember."

"We can't be undone."

"That's right, but we're adding a string in your new baby brother or sister. I'm not going anywhere, you're dad has a big heart, I'm just adding more people no one going anywhere." I said and she got up and hugged me and just held her tight I knew that was just what she need right now and I was more than happy to give it

Can you Stand the Rain (Antonio Dawson)Where stories live. Discover now