Telling Antonio

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"So tell me why I had to find out from Miranda Harris that you're pregnant?" Cate asked making me choke on my drink. We were eating lunch together in her office which we do once a week

"She caught me after my first appointment, and I had my sonogram, but to be fair we just started telling family." I told her

"I know your mom called me."

"And what did she say but I got a very animated reaction out of her but not vocally she just cried a lot." I said and she laughed

"That sounds like Monica, she called me after she calmed down. She's exited about her grandchild but she worried about you. She said you never mentioned Antonio and now your pregnant."

"You didn't tell her about the other stuff did you?"

"That wasn't my place, but I would also like to know what's doing on between you two."

"We're together things are good. We told his parents about the baby last night, they were happy."

"He has other children right?"

"Yeah a boy and girl I've met them, and his son and I get along great but his daughter is having a hard time adjusting to her parents' divorce.:

"I'm sure it didn't help that her dad dived right into another relationship."

"Wo tell me how you really feel Cate."

"It's just moving a little fast it looks like, are you sure he's all in?"

"I am I love him and I trust him. You were apart of the village that raised this very smart girl so I need you guys to trust me right now. Yes, we got off to a rocky start but we're happy and I see a life with him."

"Ok, but I want to formally meet him."

"Deal, you can come to the big family dinner we're having in two months. My parents are coming down and we decided to have dinner with his parents everyone meets and hopefully gets along."

"Derek and I will be there."

"I'll get you a date when we figure it all out." I said and she nodded, and our pagers went off at the same time

"7 car pile-up." I said reading mine

"Let's hit it."


I didn't get to Antonio's until around 3 am I dropped my bag at the door and pulled my hair out of the ponytail and for once since this pregnancy I wasn't hungry I was just tired. I walked pass the bathroom and I heard a sob, and I froze I looked around Diego's door was closed but Eva's was cracked open. I walked over to the door and knocked

"Coming." She said and I heard some stuff moving around

"Eva is everything ok?" I asked and the door opened, and she poked her head out

"Why are you crying are you ok?" I asked

"M-my stomach hurts and I'm bleeding." She said and pushed the door open

"Are you hurt?" I asked checking her over

"I-I'm bleeding down there." She said

"Oh..Oh is this the first time it's happened?"

"Yeah I don't know what to do."

"It's ok you've started your first period, go sit on the toilet, and I'll be right back ok." I said and she nodded and I walked into Antonio's room and he was sleeping with a loud snore, I just rolled my eyes and walked into the bath room and grabbed the box of pads I kept under the sink and I walked back to the other bathroom

"Do you have any underwear on?" I asked

"They have blood on them." I sat the box on the counter

"I'm going to grab you some clean under wear and pajamas. You jump in the shower toss those old underwear ok." I said and she nodded

I went into her room and saw the stains on her sheets. I grabbed her clothes and went and put them in the bathroom. Then I went and stripped her bed, I was grabbing some clean sheets when Antonio stepped into the hall

"It's 3 am." He said rubbing his eyes

"I know, go back to bed I'll be in shortly." I said and he looked at the sheets in my hand

"What are you doing with those?"

"Nothing." I said then walked into Eva's room and began making the bed

"Where's Eva?"

"In the shower."

"Did she pee the bed why are you changing her sheets?" He asked

"Could you just go back to bed I got this handled."

"Are you going to have this handled when she has to get up for school in a few hours?"

"About that, she's going to need a personal day tomorrow."

"Are you catering to her to get her to like you?" He asked heading to the bathroom door but I stepped in front of him and pushed him back

"Eva, started her first period."

"Ai yi no. she's just fourteen."

"Yeah right at the age, be happy it waited this long girls have been getting their periods a lot earlier. It's apart of life but I'm handling this so you go back to bed and call Laura in the morning. A girl needs her mom through this."

"Alright." He said then kissed my forehead and walked back into the bedroom. Then I turned and knocked on the door since the shower had stopped

"Eva are you ok?"

"Yeah do I just put this on my underwear?" She asked through the door

"Yes and the little wings go around your underwear to hold it in place." I told her and she came out a few minutes later

"How are you feeling?"

"A little better but my stomach still hurts."

"Cramps nothing a little ibuprofen won't fix; you go get in bed and I'll get you some out of my bag."

"But my bed I- "

"I changed everything for you already." I said and she smiled at me and walked into her room, I grabbed the med and took them to her

"Thank you Alayna, I was so scared to tell my dad."

"Your welcome, and don't worry about that old fart I can deal with him." I said and she chuckled

"You get some rest, and don't worry about school tomorrow, ok?" I said

"Ok." She said then laid down I got up and turned off the light, and shut the door. I pulled off my scrubs and climbed into bed Antonio wrapped his arms around me

"You're going to be a good mom." He said then kissed my neck I just smiled and snuggled into his arms. Then my phone buzzed

"You just got home." He said

"I know this double residency is kicking my butt." I said getting up and getting my phone out of the pocket of my scrubs. There was a text I opened it and there was a picture of me getting out of my car

Glad you made it home.

"Oh my God." I said just when I think this is over they start up again

"What is it? Once again it's 3 am." Antonio said looking at me, I just walked over to the bed and showed him the text

"What the hell is this? Who sent this?"

"I don't know I've been getting texts and calls like this over the past month."

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