New Friends

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"So that Isaac guy what's his deal?" Erin ask as she drove

"If you don't mind me asking." She added

"Nothing we're just friends."

"But he wants to be more." She stated

"You noticed that too?"

"He doesn't hide it well." She said and I chuckled

"I know but I don't date where I work. It leads to disaster and he's not really my type either."

"I see." She said as she parked in front of my townhouse

"Thanks Erin."

"Anytime, and just so you know you now have another friend in Chicago just call me and we'll hang out."

"Sounds good."

The next day around lunch I stepped into Antonio's room to check in

"Look what I got." I said holding up the plastic container with my food his mother brought

"Look at that, it smells great."

"Tastes great too, so I thought I slip you a couple just don't tell anyone."

"Deal, I love anything my mom cooks."

"She also made me a whole plate of Pollo Guisado, but I'm not sharing." I said and he smiled

"She makes the best Pollo Guisado,"

"I know and this plate is huge." I said showing my hands to imitate the large serving dish Mrs. Dawson brought me

"She cooks for an army even though it's just her and my dad now."

"Well she can invite me to dinner anytime."

"I'll pass along the message." He chuckled

"Your family has been incredibly nice, I'm going to end up being a fat alcoholic before the week is over." I said and he laughed then groaned

"Oh God I'm sorry! You're supposed to be resting."

"I'm fine, I needed that laugh."

"I should get back to work."

"Leave my Bunuelo."

"Excuse me? It's actually my Bunuelo I'm just sharing."

"Well my mom made it."

"And I saved you life." I responded

"Ok you got me there."

"Yep." I said putting a couple on a napkin for him, when there was a knock at the door, I looked over to Isaac peaking his head in

"Hey.' I said

"Hey, I could use an assist, if you're not too busy." He said looking at Antonio

"Yeah sure I'll be right there."

"Ok." He stood there for a couple of seconds then walked away

"Duty calls."

"Yeah I'll check up on you again before I leave."

"Thanks Doc." He said and I walked out into the hall to see Isaac leaning against the wall

"What was that?" He asked and I looked at him

"What are you talking about?"

"You know he's supposed to be on a control diet. He basically just had heart surgery."

"It's fine, his mom made these for me for saving his life. Do you want one?" I offered

"No." he said then turned to leave

"Where's your patient?"

"ER room 12." He said not looking back

I rolled my eyes and went to put away my food I do not have patience for his dramatics today.

Two Months Later

"Alright you ready for this?" I smirked at Antonio

"Oh my God just do it."

"Drumroll please." I said and Laura laughed as Antonio glared at me

"Ok, ok, ok, the last stich is out." I said cutting it, then I checked the wound that was healing very nicely, so I cleaned it and put a bandage on it

"So?" He asked

"You're all set, just keep the wound clean."

"Cortez." He said

"Oh my god calm down jeez. Here is your clearance to go back to work." I said handing him letter

"Already?" Laura asked she was nervous I could tell and I get it Antonio got really, lucky this time.

"Yeah light work only though, no kicking in doors, jumping fences, or chasing suspects down."

"Aw come on really?"

"Yeah, not until you finish physical therapy next week and they give me the ok. If I were you. I'd take another week off until you have the full green light."

'No, I'm ok."

"Tonio..." Laura

"I'm fine." He said firmly and I looked between them you could cut the tension in the room with a knife

"Alright well it's been fun detective." I said then shook his hand

"Thanks for everything Cortez." He said and I smiled then waved to Laura and left them alone


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