Ch. 20- Wings

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Three weeks. Three weeks I've been here and I still don't have my wings. I've been staying with my family and it's everything I need thought I'd have. The beds are so soft and the food is so good, better than anything down in Hell.

Eris showed me her room. On her walls were pictures after pictures of us. We looked so happy in those photos.

Eris caught me up on everything really that's happened with her and mother since I last saw them.

"Eris," I take a deep breath, "about that night, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

"But it was, if I had been there-."

"Nothing would have changed. You are not responsible for his actions."

"But I was supposed to protect you."

"And you did. And now you're here." She smiles as she grabs my hands, "we're safe here and I don't need your protection anymore. We can be a family again."

We embrace and stay like that for a moment before Eris pulls away and smiles at me.

"I know just the thing to relax you." Eris grabs my hand and pulls me to the front door.

"Where we going?" I ask.

"A party!" Eris exclaims, her wings fluttering excitedly.

"This isn't exactly party attire." I gesture to my long dress.

"Oh!" Eris stopped and turned to face me. "Here." She brought me up to her room and opened her closet. She picked out a dress and threw it in my hands, then pushed me behind the changing screen.

 She picked out a dress and threw it in my hands, then pushed me behind the changing screen

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When I come out Eris gasps and smiles widely. "Now you're ready!"

Now here I am sitting in the corner not knowing what to do exactly. Yeah I danced a bit with my sister and the punch was really good, there were some fun games too. There was even a karaoke set with a mini stage.

Some braver angles have come up and asked for a dance or asked about my tail. I would normally just brush them off and ignore their questions.

I'm sipping my drink, lost in thought, watching my sister dance around when I hear a voice beside me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

I jump a bit and turn to see Gabriel smirking at me. "Oh Gabby! I didn't hear you come over."

He laughs and sets his drink down. "Are you having fun?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. I mean who knew a sinless party could actually be fun."

"I guess you never know until you try it." Gabriel looks at me, "so how are you enjoying things up here?"

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