Ch. 10- War of Hearts

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I sit silently on the couch in the lobby, thinking about what Charlie said to me. Could I really redeem myself? Go to heaven and be with Eris? With my mother?

But do I really want to go? What about my friends down here? Do I want to leave Angel? Leave Al?

My heart twists as I think of Al. I should talk to him. I need to clear things between us. Maybe even fix our relationship.

Just as I stand from the couch to go find him he appears in the lobby.

We lock eyes for a split second. He opens his mouth as if to say something but he closes it and looks away.

"Pardon my dear, I was just on my way out." He passes me and heads towards the hotel doors.

This is it. I take a deep breath and turn around.

"Al wait!"

He stops in his tracks, turning to face me. "Yes, dear?"

I swallow the sudden lump in my throat and square my shoulders. "I was wondering if you would care to accompany me for a stroll through the woods." Give me a reason to stay.

"Of course darling. I'm not busy at all at the moment." Alastor's eyes light up and he looks genuinely happy.

I release a small breath of relief and smile too. Together we exit the hotel, Alastor holding the door open for me on the way out.

Demons scramble out of our way as we walk the streets to get to the woods.

Despite this being Hell, birds chirp in the trees and small mammals run from tree branch to tree branch. I feel at peace here, for the first time in a while I feel calm.

"Remember our first date?" I ask, a small smile plastered on my face. "We chased each other through these trees."

Alastor and I laugh lightly at the memories.

"Seems like a lifetime ago." I mumble. "And in someways it was. We've both changed. We're not the people we were that night."

Alastor nods as if deep in thought.

Before he can respond I hit his shoulder like I did all those nights ago and take off sprinting through the trees.

I hear Al laugh as I disappear around a corner. I don't look back as I run, laughing all the while.

I turn around a tree and run straight into Alastor's chest.

"Still not fast enough darling." He smirks.

"Oh yeah?" I say. I snap my fingers and teleport a few meters away. "You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeves Bambi!" I call I over my shoulder as I turn and run.

We chase each other through the woods when suddenly I'm tackled from behind and we go rolling down a hill, landing in a heap at the bottom.

We're both out of breath but laughing at the same time. I sit up, seeing as I landed on top of him, and run a hand through my now messy hair.

"Well that was exciting." I huff out of breath.

I stand and help Al to his feet. I realize how close we are but I don't pull away. Alastor reaches up and pulls a small leaf out of my hair.

The simple act reminds me of my sister and my situation.

"Come." I say as I step away and lead him through the woods.

"Where are we going?" Alastor asks.

"I'll explain when we get there." I saw over my shoulder.

A few minutes later we're standing on a cliff over looking a huge field and ravine.

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