Ch. 24- Together Forever

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I pace around the lobby, my hands running through my hair. I mutter to myself over and over trying to understand what Gabriel ment. The rest of the hotel staff watch me curiously.

"(Y/n) slow down and explain what you saw again." Charlie says as she places a on my shoulder to stop my pacing.

"Destruction." I say, "Destruction of all of Hell. Thousands of exterminators killing any and everyone in their path."

"When?" Charlie asks.

"Next extermination day."

"That's only one month away!" Charlie says. "What do we do?"

"I don't know that there is anything we can do." my shoulders slump and I look at the floor.

-time skip-
two weeks until extermination

Little light streams in through the boarded up windows of the hotel. Everyone is tense and quiet waiting for the impending war. I've thrown up many barriers around the hotel and strengthen them with each passing day.

With every new dawn my nerves spike. In a few days time I could lose everything, I will do anything to stop that from happening.

The garden out back has temporarily been turned into a training ground of sorts. Lines of stone figures stand on one end of the field. I pace the length of the field. My mind flashes with images of Gabriel and all the shit he's put me through.

I grit my teeth and begin seeing red. I stop at the opposite end of the field and throw out my hand, summoning a stone figure that resembles the winged asshat. Power pools in my fingertips, I blast it towards the statue. Watching in complete satisfaction, the statue blown to bits leaving nothing but a crumbling stump.

I summon another. My sword appears in my hand. I swing a powerful arc, the statue slowly slides apart. I bring up more and more. One after another I cut down each stone Gabriel, my anger fueling my strikes. I summon a circle around me of statues and swing my sword around, simultaneously cutting down each one.

 I summon a circle around me of statues and swing my sword around, simultaneously cutting down each one

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When I finish I feel a bit better. My breath comes in ragged pants, I wipe the sweat from my brow and huff. I look up to see Al watching from a distance, an impressed smile on his face. I put my sword away and march past the deer.

"That was pretty impressive my dear." He says without trying to stop me.

"Thanks I guess." I mutter.

"You should probably rest though darling."

"I can't. He's in my dreams. Everytime I close my eyes he's there smiling." I start walking but Al grabs my arm.

"What does he show you?" Al asks softly.

"My dreams turning to nightmares." A tear rolls down my cheek at the memories. "I can't do it. I'm not strong enough. I can't lose everything. I can't."

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