Ch. 6- Reunion

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The hotel looms before me. My nerves feel like a whole swarm of butterflies migrated to my stomach.

I teleport up to my room to dry my clothes.

When I'm ready I take a deep breath and exit my room. Quietly I make my way towards the lobby. I hear voices and the sweep of Nifty cleaning.

I stand at the beginning of the hallway. No one has noticed my presence yet. I take roll of who's all in the room.

Husk is passed out at the bar, no surprise there. Charlie and Vaggie are talking in hushed voices on the couch. Nifty is running around cleaning.

I don't see Angel or Al anywhere.

I exhale a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I can do this.

"Hi, (Y/n)! You're looking better now that you're up and about." Nifty says.

I jump slightly. I didn't even notice her come over.

At the sound of my name, both Vaggie and Charlie look up from their conversation and turn towards me.

A bright smile forms on Charlie's face as she runs over and wraps me in a hug.

Even Vaggie has a small smile on her face.

Okay not entirely what I was expecting but at least they're not yelling at me.

"We were so worried about you, (y/n)." Charlie says as she pulls away.

I scratch the back of my neck. "Really?"

"Of course, you're our friend!" Charlie says happily.

"Even after," I hesitate and drop my hand. "Even after what I did?"

"Yes, you're still our friend." Charlie smiles.

I didn't know what to say. I'm not really used to this whole friend thing yet. But still hearing that made me feel a bit better.

"Come sit down." Charlie says as she guides me back to the couch her and Vaggie where just seated on.

"Al said I was out for two weeks." I start.

"Yeah, everyone was worried about you. Alastor the most, he hardly left your side, let alone your room." Charlie says.

My mind drifts back to the chair next to the bed. I imagine Alastor sitting in it everyday waiting for me to wake up.

I shake those thoughts away before I dive too deep into them, I still don't know how I feel about Alastor yet.

I turn the conversation away from Alastor and ask Charlie about the hotel. "Any new customers?"

"Not really. There was one but he ran off, I don't know why or where he went. Probably someone's idea of a joke." Charlie says.

Something nags at the back of my mind. Something telling me that Charlie isn't telling me the whole story.

But I shake it off, if Charlie doesn't want to tell me everything that's her business.

"So what happened after...?" I trail off.

"After you nearly destroyed all of Hell with your rage?" She asks.

"Ouch, yeah that." I mumble.

"Well after you collapsed we brought you back here. Lots has been repaired but there are still some damages. I think most people are just more terrified of you now." Charlie explains. "Oh and Vox and his gang are angry with you but they have made no move against you."

"Huh. That makes me feel a bit better."

"Really?" Charlie looks at me confused.

"Yeah, they're fucking pissed at me and yet they hide. I'd say they're scared of me and that's the best news anyone could ask for." I stand and head towards the bar.

Charlie and Vaggie exchange a look before Charlie speaks up again.

"We were worried about you (y/n). Just take it easy ok?"

"You got it boss." I give her a small two finger salute before turning and slamming my hand on the counter. Causing Husk to awake with a start.

"Morning Husker!" I say.

He looks annoyed at first but it soon fades a bit when he realizes it's me. "Hey kid." He grumbles.

"Ya know technically I'm way older than you." I say.

He raises an eyebrow.

"So technically I should be calling YOU kid." I smirk.

Husk rolls his eyes. "Did you actually need something or did you wake me up for no reason?"

"I'll have a whiskey." I say.

Husk grumbles and goes to get my drink. When he comes back he slides the drink to me and picks up his own.

I sip at my drink my head lost in thought, my mind wandering.

I don't even realize I finished my drink until I tip it back and nothing comes out.

Behind me I hear the door to the hotel open.

Please don't be Al.

I'm not ready to face him yet.


That didn't sound like Al.

I spin on my stool to see Angel standing in the lobby.

"Angel!" I look at him then at the floor.

I remember what I did. Last time I saw him I had thrown him with my magic and hurt him.

"Angel I'm sorry-"

Suddenly he's right in front of me and wrapping me up in a tug.

I close my eyes and smile. I think my tail started wagging too.

This is nice.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!


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