Ch. 26- War

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The angels charge at us. I glance quickly at my friends who are also readying themselves. I take a deep breath and hold my sword at the ready. My sword lights up with (f/c) light. I charge at the oncoming angels. I swing my sword and cut through the first angel. An arc of (f/c) light following the curve of my swing and cutting down more angels.

All around me my friends fight. Charlie, Al, and me taking down the most angels. Angel stands off to the side of me, four guns in his hands. I see a flash of an explosion and suddenly Cherri is next to him throwing her bombs at every exterminator in sight.

A bunch of angels raced towards me. I tightened my grip on my sword handle and swung. I cut the wings off one angel, an arm off another, the head off a few. Pretty soon my outfit and arms were covered in that golden angel blood.

For a second I let my heart fill up with hope that we can do this, that we could win. But foolish is my heart as thousands more angels appear. Out of the corner of my eye I see an angel stab Al. I quickly finish the one I'm dealing with and turn towards the angel attacking Al.

It raises its blade as if to land a killing blow. I throw out my hand and send a bolt of (f/c) energy hurling towards the angel. The bolt knocks the angel clean off its feet, sending it flying through the air.

I rush over to Al and help him up. The wound isn't deep but it still bleeds profusely. "Let me help." I place my hand over the wound. Briefly my palm lights up (f/c) and the wound heals a bit. It hasn't gone away completely but at least it isn't bleeding freely anymore.

"Thank you, my love." Al says.

"Of course. We protect each other no matter what." I smile.

Al smiles too. His eyes widen as he sees something over my shoulder. He pushes me to the side a little and blocks the angel's swing. I spin around and jab my sword through the angel's gut and pull up, leaving the angel in two.

"Thanks." I nod to Alastor.

"Of course love." He places a kiss on my temple before we both turn to begin fighting the angel's again.

The battle rages. Angels litter the street along with demons caught in the crossfire. "(Y/N)!" A voice I know all too well shouts over the chaos.

I turn to see Gabe striding towards me, an angelic weapon in his hands. Time seems to slow as he suddenly appears in front of me and swings. I duck out of the way just in time to avoid getting my head cut off, although he still cut my ear. I feel the blood dripping down the side of my head and soaking my hair. Before I can recover Gabriel kicks me in the stomach and I go flying across the battlefield.

I slide along the rough ground, my sword a ways away. I groan and clutch my stomach. Blood coats my lips and I spit it. Gabriel stands over me, a snake-like smirk on his lips. He raises his angelic spear. I snap my fingers causing a barrier to form around me. His spear bounces off the barrier harmlessly.

I smirk in triumph as Gabriel growls in annoyance. He hits the barrier again and again, small cracks appear but the barrier stays strong. I give Gabe the middle finger as I snap my fingers and teleport behind him. I move to strike but he blocks it and slices my arm. I hiss in pain and push myself away from him.

I throw my hand out and raise a chunk of concrete towards me. It hovers in the air surrounded by (f/c) energy. I throw it towards Gabe. His spear cuts through it like warm butter. I growl in annoyance and summon a second sword. I charge but my attacks are easily blocked.

You're not going to win

Not like this

You need more power

I ignore my shadow's whispers and continue swinging. Gabe blocks another swing and cuts across my stomach. I yelp in surprise and pain. My breath comes in ragged pants whereas Gabriel looks hardly winded.

"You really are pathetic." Gabriel sneers.

I spit blood at his feet in response. Gabriel sighs as if he's scolding a small child. We fight again but it's short lived as Gabriel disarms me and locks me against his chest with the spear and my own sword at my throat.

"Look at them." He turns me so I can see my friends. All beat up and covered in blood. Angel looks ready to collapse. Al looks worn out, as does Husk. Vaggie is unconscious in Charlie's arms, Charlie tries tirelessly to fight off the angels slowly surrounding her and Vaggie. "You'll watch each and every one of them succumb to a slow death by the hands of my warriors then you will join them." Gabriel whispers in my ear.


"No?" Gabriel laughs. "You don't have a say, mutt."

"No!" the magic holding the sword diminishes and the sword fades away in Gabriel's hand. Using the second that he is distracted I push myself free from Gabriel's grasp. I spin around with my claws sharp and scratch him across the face.

Gabriel gasps and shouts in pain. He puts a hand up to the side of his face. Blood soaks through his hands and down the side of his shirt. "You mutt!" He shouts in rage. An invisible force throws me backwards towards my friends. The air is knocked from my lunges as I hit the ground.

Al helps me to my feet and I notice that the angels previously attacking my friends had retreated to Gabriel's side like dogs on a leash, ironic.

Gabriel glares at me, the blood on his face making him look twice as deadly.

This isn't going to end well.


I honestly can't believe this book is almost over! Sorry for the wait. I'll have the rest out soon I promise.

I have so many ideas for stories once I'm done with this one!

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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