Ch. 28- Sisters

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"I'd prefer if you didn't start a war in my kingdom." a voice says.

That voice...


I peek my eyes open to see the king of Hell himself blocking Gabriel's spear from piercing my skin.

Lucifer disarms Gabriel, sending the spear flying way, and with a blast of magic Gabriel too goes flying.

"Lucifer?" my voice comes out scratchy.

"The one and only." He smiles and extends his hand to me. I take it and he hauls me to my feet.

"Thanks, but why did you save me?"

He shrugs, "You entertain me."

"Fair enough." I mutter.

I hear a scream of anger and see Gabriel standing with his spear again. He glares at me with hatred that could kill, I smirk and show him my middle finger.

His eyes widen, caught off guard at first but quickly glares at me once again.

All of a sudden the ground begins to shake and crack. I reach out and steady myself on the barrier behind us.

Gabriel smirks over at us. His gaze then turns up and my own follows.

In the sky a huge crack appears, heavenly light spills from that crack and from it legions of exterminators fly down.

"Shit." I mutter. This isn't good.

I hear someone tapping behind me. I turn to see my friends on the other side of the barrier. Faintly I can hear Charlie beg me to let them help.

I look between the angels and my friends. I look at Charlie with a determined look and nod. With a wave of my hand the barrier falls and my friends run to my side.

"We do this together from now on, alright!" Angel grabs my shoulders. "No more pushing us away! Let us help."

I look at all my friends and sigh, "Fine." I lock eyes with Al. He smiles a softer smile and nods his head.

I turn back to face Gabriel and his new army. The portal to Heaven hanging ominously above us all.

I gather my remaining strength and pick up a discarded angel sword. I grip it tightly and charge, everyone following behind me.

It's a bloody round two. Golden blood coats my blade. I duck out of the way and skewer an angel, its golden blood forming a puddle on the ground. I swing my sword side to side, cutting an arm here, a wing there.

I fight until I am once again drenched in blood.


I whip around towards the sound of the voice and see my sister running towards me.


My sister runs to my side, cutting down an exterminator that got in her way.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm here to help my family." she replies.

I pull her into a hug. Tears threaten to spill, I am beyond grateful to see my sister. But where did she get that sword? And when did she learn how to fight?

"When did you learn how to fight?" I ask.

"You taught me. Remember?"

I shake my head, "There is lots of my past that I do not remember." I tell her solemnly.

She thinks for a moment but nods in understanding.

"ERIS!!" Gabriel's voice carries out over the battlefield.

Around us fighting stops, all eyes fall on me and my sister. My sister grabs my hand, I give it a comforting squeeze.

"You chose the wrong side Eris." Gabriel stalks towards us.

"No! I choose my family!" Eris shouts back.

"Then you will die like the traitor you are!" Gabriel charges us. Dropping her hand, I step in front of my sister and block Gabriel's swing.

Eris jumps around him and attacks from behind. Together we fight against Gabriel, each dealing and receiving painful blows. Eventually we pin him down but he punches Eris and breaks free, disappearing in the chaos.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as I help her to her feet.

"I'm fine." She gives me a reassuring smile.

I look to my right and see a bunch of angels advancing towards Al, to my left more are advancing towards Angel. I look between the two trying to decide where to go.

"You get that side, I'll get this one." My sister shouts while pushing me to the right.

I nod and charge towards the angels, slicing them with my sword. I fight my way to Al. We fight together against the angels and soon we end up back to back.

The fight rages on, my body is beginning to tire but I push on, forcing myself to keep fighting. I stab my sword through the throat of the nearest angel, it's dead before it hits the ground. I swing high, decapitating two.

One angel comes at me, I duck low and pick up a discarded dagger on the ground. I grip it tightly as I roll out of the way. When the angel turns around I plunge the dagger deep into its gut and drag it up.

The angel's eyes dim and it falls to the ground in a pile of its own innards.

Soon the angels are either dead or fleeing back to Heaven.

We won!

I look around to find Gabriel, I don't see him anywhere, but I can sense him lurking.

I see my sister a few yards away, she's covered in blood but alive. She's conversing with Angel, her back facing towards the gate to Heaven.

And that's when I see him.

Gabriel sneaks up, his face full of rage, his spear gripped tightly in his hands. He glares at Eris. I realize what his plan is too late.

The spear is thrown through the air at an alarming speed. There's no time for her to duck. Fear courses through me.

"Eris!" In a blink, I teleport over to Eris and push her out of the way. She tumbles down and the spear lodges itself in my chest.



Will she live? Will she die? The world may never know.

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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