Ch. 13- Little Do You Know

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(Y/n) POV


"My baby you're so strong." My mother has tears in her eyes, tears of joy or sadness I cannot tell yet she smiles.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too my little rose. You take care of your sister now. She'll need you."

I grip my mother's hand. Her dark hair in a mangled mess against the white sheets of the pillows.

"Mama don't leave me."

"I'm sorry my little rose but my time on this earth is over." A tear slips down my cheek and she wipes it away. "Be strong. Protect your sister. Promise me you'll protect her."

"I promise Mama, I promise." My voice cracks at the end.

"Stay strong. We will see each other again." My mother runs her hand through my hair, "when ever you're missing me just look at the stars." Her hand goes limp.


She doesn't answer or move.

"Mama!" Tears blur my vision, "no no no."

The room fades away and I'm standing in a garden, (F/f)s all around me. A dress made of soft fabric sways in the gentle wind.


I turn and see a man approaching me. His face is blurred and I can't make out any features but his presence warms my heart, bringing a smile to my face. I run and leap into the man's arms, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You're okay. I was so scared. I thought, with all the murders."

He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "Don't worry my dear. I'm okay." He pulls me in for a soft kiss. "I'll be with you forever."

"Even after death?"

"After death and beyond my darling." I smile and rub my hand through his soft hair.

"I love you." He kisses me again.

"I love you too."

The dream fades away and I awake to the sound of radio static. I yawn and turn over to look out the window. The sun hasn't even begun to rise yet.

I strain my ears but can't hear and music. I sigh and think back to the memories. My mother, I watched her die, no wonder I wanted to forget that. But the man, why would I want to forget love?

He seemed familiar. I shake my head. Idiot of course he seemed familiar. I'm remembering my past.

I wonder what happened to him? Is he down here in Hell? Probably not. No one would love me knowing what I am.

I turn my head and look at Al. Even while he sleeps he smiles. He seems at peace and my heart fills with love.

But it's quickly crushed by the painful memories. I groan in annoyance, why is this so hard? I sit up in the bed, the covers falling down to my waist. I run a hand through my hair.

My mind spins with a bunch of what if's.

What if he hurts me again?

What if he stops loving me?

What if I redeem myself? With he still care for me?

What if...?

My hand subconsciously goes to the scar at my stomach. I lift the shirt and look at it. My mind flashes with memories and I watch as his staff stabs me again.

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