Ch. 4- Awakening

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(Y/n)'s POV

Slowly the heaviness and feeling return to my limbs, though my eyes still stay glued shut. Slowly hearing returns to me, the humming of the building's mechanics fill my ears.

I feel the plush of the blanket beneath me. My stomach gurgles in dismissed hunger. The familiar scent of my room fills my nose. My throat feels dry and scratchy from the lack of use.

I try to raise my hand but it is stuck in place. I try to move any part of my body, but I'm still.

My ears twitch to the sound of movement to my left.

"And now, mutt, we end your pathetic life."

Who was that?

I don't recognize the voice. Are they going to kill me?

Am I going to die?

After all that fighting to see my friends again.

Panic floods my system. I try to move any part of my body, but it's no use.

I call up my magic but it's useless without my hands to direct it, and my eyes to see my target.

Open my eyes!

All I need to do is open my fucking eyes!

But I can't. They're too heavy.

A crash rings out around me. I flinch at the noise, or I would if I was able to move. I hear the flapping of wings and then silence.

No, not silence. There's this growing noise. A noise I've heard countless times before. A noise that used to sooth my dreams. A noise that recently became the soundtrack of my nightmares.

Radio static.


I try to call out but like everything else my mouth doesn't move.

The sound of footsteps retreating are all I hear until they fade away to silence.

My heart feels heavy, I feel exhausted even though I haven't done anything. I let my mind fall blank and drift off to sleep.

-time skip-

I see light behind my eyelids. Slowly I am able to open my eyes. My fingers twitch on my hand.

I can move.

I can move!

I open my eyes to see my room. The (f/c) walls look the same. Everything is the way I left it, like a setting trapped in time.

I look around but nothing seems to justify why I heard the shattering of glass before.

My heart aches. There's something not right.

Then it hits me like a ton of bricks.

I'm completely and utterly alone.

My room is vacant of any living being besides me.

Regretting your decision to return?

My shadow watches me from the corner of my room.


Are you disappointed they weren't here waiting for you?

Do you honestly think they would?

This is Hell

I notice a chair next to my bed. A small smile graces my lips, Angle must have put it there.

My eyes find my reflection in the mirror. I look like a mess. My (h/c) hair is dull and faded. My (e/c) eyes aren't as bright as they used to be. My clothes are wrinkled. They're the same clothes from the fight.

My mind flashes with painful memories and I wince.

"I should clean up." I mutter to myself.

I step into the bathroom and snap my fingers causing a pile of fresh clothes to appear. My vision darkens and I stumble, my feet growing heavy. I lean against the sink for support.

Careful you're still not fully recovered

"Yeah no shit." I snarl.

When my head clears I slowly start slipping out of my outfit. I leave it in a pile on the floor and step into the shower. I turn the water on and just stand there, letting the water wash over me. As I clean myself I feel my strength slowly starting to return.

After probably the longest shower I've ever taken I step out onto the mat. I shake myself somewhat dry and finish with a towel. My (h/l) hair, a tangled mess. I run my claws through it trying to detangle it at least a little.

For a while I just stare at my reflection. Above my heart a clawmark scar stands stark and permanent. I move my finger along the raised edges, a soft sigh escapes my lips. I move the towel to see the scar on my stomach.

My mind flashes with the painful memory and I flinch.

"A scar means I survived." I mumble to myself as I throw the towel away and turn towards my new clothes.

I pick them up and pull them on.

Once in my new clean clothes I run my hand through my hair once more before stepping out of the bathroom

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Once in my new clean clothes I run my hand through my hair once more before stepping out of the bathroom.

I almost run into him went I exit. Slowly my eyes trail up the red clad body to the never fading grin and the ruby eyes that shine with confusion. I stare back unable to look away.

"(Y/n)." His voice is soft like a whisper, barely any radio static present.


Date- 11-1-2020
Words- 837

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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