Ch. 25- Calm Before the Storm

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1 hour until extermination

I stand on the roof of the hotel. I don't feel the wind that whips around me. I don't hear the normal panic of the demons below. I don't see anything but the clock and those hands ticking ever so closer to the end.

I pull the strange picture of human me and human Al out of my pocket and look at it one last time.

It's been a week since that strange dream and I haven't talked with Al about it yet. I don't know how to start out that conversation so I threw it in the back of my mind and focused on the bigger problem on my doorstep.

I hear the door open behind me but I don't turn around.

"Charlie said I'd find you up here." A familiar radio static voice speaks up. Alastor stands next to me on the edge of the roof. He doesn't say anything more, but his presence puts me at ease a little. A few minutes pass before he breaks the silence. "If I may ask, why are you up here all alone, darling?"

I sigh and fidget with the photo in my hands. "Thinking."


"Everything and nothing."

"I see." He doesn't say anything else, just takes my hand in his and turns it so he can see the photo. He carefully takes the picture out of my hands and examines it. "Dear where did you get this?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say. "I saw it in a dream and when I woke up it was in my hands." I look down, "The best part is I don't even remember getting the photo taken. There is little of my human life I remember, actually."

Alastor flips the photo and reads the back. He hums in thought. "But you know who is in the picture?"

"Yes." I say softly.

"Then it's true."

"What is?" I ask.

He turns my face towards his and wipes his thumb on my cheek, "Death didn't do us part." The kiss isn't short, but it's not overly long either. Sparks erupt and a new feeling flows through me, a feeling of home. I know where I belong.

"Alastor I-" My sentence is cut off by the chime of the clock. I whip around to see the clock has hit zero. In the sky a huge portal opens up. The light of Heaven comes flooding in. "It's starting." I grab Al's hand and teleport us into the hotel lobby, where the rest of the hotel inhabitants are waiting with various angelic weapons. "It's time." I say to all of them, they nod in response.

"We're with you, (y/n)." Angel says.

"Charlie, any word from your father?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "He never picked out the phone."

"Then we're on our own." I pick up the very knife Gabriel stabbed me with when I returned to Hell. I snap my fingers to change my clothes into some battle appropriate ones.

"Now I'm not one for big inspirational speeches, let alone one before a war. But I do know this, this is our home and we're not going to let some feathered assholes ruin it. I'm gonna fight until my heart stops beating, because you guys are more than friends, you're my family. And I'll give everything to keep all of you safe.

Now Gabriel's here and he thinks he can destroy us all. We're gonna show him that no one fucks with us, at least no one who wants to continue living. Let's go win a fucking war." I raise my sword in the air and everyone cheers.

The ground beneath us shakes and cracks. The sounds of screams fill the air along with the fluttering of wings. I nod to everyone and we march outside.

Gabriel stands before the hotel, an army of angels at his back, countless more flying around in the skies. "You're looking well, (Y/N). What happened to your wings?" He taunts. "Oh wait they're right here." He throws the two wings that used to be on my back to the floor in front of me. The edges where they connected are still coated in blood.

I don't say anything, I just glare at Gabriel.

"What's the matter Mutt? Cat got your tongue?" Gabriel laughs.

"Leave now and maybe I'll let your pathetic ass live." I shout.

"Ooo~ Ya hear that boy's." Gabriel smirks. "You're greatly outnumbered. There's no way you'll win."

"Wanna bet?" I raise an eyebrow.

If looks could kill the battle would be over. Me and Gabriel glare at each other in silence, waiting for the other to make the first move. My shadow appears at my side. More angels join Gabriel's side.

For what seems like eternity the street is quiet. No one dares to move or make any sort of noise.

Gabriel raises his sword and the angels charge.

This is it.


5 more chapters then this story is completed! Oh my god you guys! Thank you to all of you who have been reading since the very beginning. Thank you to everyone whose voted and commented on my chapters!

Also the first book has almost 100k reads! Like what?! Y'all are amazing thank you so much!

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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