Ch. 8- She's in Hell?

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Eris POV


"Coming mama!" I call. I jump out of bed and race to the kitchen, my white wings trailing behind me.

Mother sets out breakfast and it smells amazing like always. We sit down at the table and eat in silence. It's not an awkward silence, more of a respectful silence. Since only half of our family is present for this meal we always eat in silence.

It's been over 100 years since I last saw my sister. I can't help but wonder where she is.

The logic in me says she's not here, that she'll never be here. But part of me still hasn't given up hope that maybe she's up here with us. I mean Heaven is a pretty big place maybe I just haven't found her yet.

Though it does feel like I'm the only one looking.

Mother stopped looking years ago. She says she's happy she's got one of her girls with her.

Sometimes I feel maybe (y/n) doesn't want to be found. She probably feels responsible for my death. But to stay away for 100 years?

"You thinking about her again?"

Mother's voice draws my attention away from my thoughts.

I nod, "I just wish I could see her again."

"I know baby, but she might not even be up here with us."

A tear slips down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. "I know mama."

I pick up my dishes and walk them to the sink. I'm about to wash them when I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say wiping my hands and rushing to the door.

I open the door to see an angel from God's personal messenger group.

"Eris (l/n) and Mrs. (l/n)."

"Yes." I say.

Mother appears behind me and we both look at the angel.

"I am here to escort you to God. He wishes to speak with you."

Me and Mother look at each other in confusion. Never has God wanted to speak with us.

"Is it about (y/n)?" I ask.

"That is not for me to say miss. Now please come along." The angel turns from the door and walks a little ways away.

Me and Mother share another glance before exiting the house and closing the door behind us.

The messenger leads us all the way to God's castle. He opens the doors and leads us to God.

He's standing in the throne room when we enter.

"Thank you Ilisha." God says.

The angel bows and exits leaving just us and God.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here?" He turns to us.

"Um yeah that's one word for it." I say.

God chuckles. "Well, how I understand it, you Eris are still looking for your sister. Is that correct?"

I nod.

"Well I'm sorry to say this but she's in Hell."

My mind freezes. I don't know what to think. "Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. What do you mean she's in Hell?"

Mother doesn't move, she looks almost statue-like.

"Here, have a look for yourself." God gestures towards a window.

As I get closer I notice it's a window to Hell. I can see the blood red sky and the destroyed streets, the drugs and the fighting, the all around chaos.

God zooms into a bar and up on the stage a wolfish demon is singing.

I look closer at those (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair. That voice, I know that voice anywhere.

It's her, it's really her.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" I ask, not looking away from (y/n).

"Because she's dangerous and Gabriel told me she was destroyed."

"Destroyed?" my voice comes out small and frail. Why would she need to be destroyed? And dangerous? My sister isn't dangerous, she protected me, she loved me.

"Yes I'm afraid your sister is one of the most dangerous entities to live in Hell in a long time."

"That can't be right." I say, "I mean why is she even in Hell in the first place. She protected me from our father. She cared for me. She was a good person."

"I'm afraid she's not that same good person you knew." God waves his hand and the image changes. "This was from two weeks ago."

I look at the new image. (Y/n) destroying everything in her path with just the swipe of her hand. Killing many demons without even batting an eye.

"No. That's- that's not (Y/n)."

"It is. Eris, it is."

Tears blur my vision. "There's got to be a reason she's doing that. She wouldn't do it for no reason." I try to convince, but at this point I'm only trying to come up with excuses because I don't want to believe my sister turned into a monster.

"Can I watch some more?" I ask shakily.

"Of course dear. Take as much time as you need." God exits with my mother who is crying.

I turn back to the window determined to find proof that the (y/n) I know is still there.

Gabriel's POV

I sit in the back of the bar watching as that mutt dances around on stage. I hate to admit it but she does have a decent singing voice.

I sip my drink idoly while I try to think up a new plan.

It won't be so easy to kill her now that she's awake.

Maybe if I get close enough to her, make her trust me. Then I can get her alone and finish her.

I see the red deer sit in a booth not too far away. He doesn't notice me, his attention is on the mutt.

He seems hesitant to make his presence known to her. Even as she finishes her little performance and sits next to that porn star, the deer just watches from the shadows.

A smile creeps onto my face as an idea comes to mind.

Oh little mutt, your undoing is at hand.

Date- 11-14-2020
Words- 1005

As always I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Also some amazing fan art by @Candy_Bugs

Thank you all for reading my books and enjoying them!

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Thank you all for reading my books and enjoying them!

If you have fan art of your own and wish for it to be featured in the book or just for me to see it you can find my Instagram at drawings_and_stuffs1 or CambriaS3a.


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