Ch. 17- You Don't Belong Here!

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We stand in the rubble of my rampage. Bodies litter the street. Destruction is everywhere. Charlie and everyone else stands before me. Blood coats my arms and soaks my clothes.

Charlie glares at me. I'm taken aback, Charlie is normally a really happy person.

"What the hell, (y/n)! What did you do?" she shouts.

"I had some fun." I defend.

"Fun?!" This time it's Vaggie who shouts. "This isn't fun, this is murder!"

"Well it's fun for me." I say.

"I can't believe you!" Vaggie screams.

"You can't believe it?! This is who I am!" I gesture around to the blood and destruction. "I'm a fucking serial killer for fucks sake. I kill for fun! There is no heaven for people like me!" I gesture to myself. "This is me, not some goody two shoes, no. I'm a cold blooded killer Charlie! Not your fucking charity project."

"(y/n) you can be some much more though." Charlie tries not to yell.

"No I can't! I've tried. I was damned down here the moment I was brought into my shitty life. There is no happily ever after! You need to wake up and stop playing with this stupid dream of yours because it won't work."

"(Y/n) do you really enjoy this?" Charlie gestures towards the destruction.

"Why does it matter?" I ask.

"It matters because you could go up there, to heaven, and see your family, your sister. And you threw it all away for what!?" A disappointed look crosses Charile's face, "This clouded, awful, selfish, greedy need for power! This thirst to rule in a world where you DON'T BELONG!"

"You don't understand." I start only to get cut off. I've honestly never seen Charlie this mad.

"No I understand perfectly well. You're too stubborn to let go of the power you have down here. You're selfish and greedy, only ever thinking about yourself. And when given the chance to see your family, to be better, you throw it out the window like useless trash. Take your chance before you LOSE IT!!"

"I never asked for this chance!" I yell. "I was fine down here! I belong down here."

"No you don't." Charlie says.

I take a step forward and point my finger at her chest. "Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe I don't want to go?"

"Why wouldn't you want to go? Your family's up there."

"I have family down here too! Have you ever once thought about what would happen to those I cared about down here if I left?" I shout.

"What family? You killed your father years ago. You have no aunts or uncles down here."

"Oh look someone did their fucking research." I roll my eyes, "I was talking about you, Angel, Al. For fucks sake Charlie I can't leave them!"

Charlie is speechless, her mouth hangs open in surprise.

"Never thought about that did you? That maybe I wasn't talking about blood family."

"You promised. You said that you would try."

"I tried Charlie, and it didn't fucking work."

"You could try again. I know if you just give it a little more effort, you can find you life could be more than this selfish world you're living in."

I've had enough, her words hurt but I cover it up with a cold glare. "Ya know Charlie, you should figure out your own life before trying to tell others how to live theirs." I say coldly as I turn sharply on my heel and stalk away. "I'm done with your fucking hotel!"

I don't look back.

I don't answer as I hear her call after me.

My blood feels like it's on fire. I need to let off some steam. I need to punch something or kill something.

Date- 12-25-2020
Words- 634

Merry Christmas my wonderful readers! Wishing you a safe and wonderful Christmas!

As a small gift I published two chapters today and one is on its way for tomorrow. Also on my one shot book I posted a bunch of Christmas themed one shots with your favorite hazbeans.


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