Ch. 1- A Sad Hotel

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Hell 2019: third POV

The hotel is very quiet. Everyone's in a somber mood. There are few smiles, and even fewer laughs. The once happy hotel is now more of a sad hotel.

Down the hall in room 13 two figures sit. One laying on a bundle of (f/c) blankets. Her body not moving an inch, the only proof she's alive is the steady rise and fall of her chest. But while her body looks lifeless, her mind is very much alive and fighting to get back.

The other figure in the room sits hunched over in a chair next to the bed. His clawed hand grasping at her hands. His pleas for her to awake used to fall late into the night but now he just sits silently, waiting, watching. So still that the two almost appear paused in time.

The deer sits by the wolf's bed deep in thought while he stares at her peaceful face. He misses the way her eyes would light up when she was happy, (e/c) orbs that he could get lost in for hours. He misses the melodic sound of her voice when she would speak, laugh, and sing. He misses the way she made him feel, the warm tingling in his chest, the way she'd take his breath away when she entered a room, the desire to make her his.

Now here she lay, stuck within her own mind, unmoving, silent, lifeless. And it's all his fault. He fucked up, he hurt her, and he has no idea what has become of the love they shared.

Guilt is all that Alastor feels. Guilt for what has happened to the darling in front of him. He wonders if she'll ever forgive him, satan he hopes so.

"I can't forgive you. Not yet at least. It still hurts and this pain is not something that will just go away. This will take time and I'm willing to give you that time. But the past is the past and we're never getting that back."

Her voice echoes in his mind. The last thing she had said to him, her answer to the question he begged to know the answer to.

"My darling when you wake I promise I will do anything to make it up to you. I promise."

"You promised you wouldn't hurt me."

Her voice rings in his head from the first fight. He winces at the hurt sound of her voice.

"How will this time be any different?" Her voice asks.

"I've learnt my lesson, I just want you back. I'll make it up to you, I swear it. Just come back."

(Y/N)'s POV

"Why won't you just fucking leave me alone already!" I shout at my shadowy twin.

Because you're better off like this until you learn you're better off without them

"I want to see my friends."

My shadow launches another attack. I dodge and roll left, jumping up to my feet I ready a spell and launch it at my shadow, who melts away and reappears twenty feet to the left.

Without my spell book I can't banish it like before. So here I am constantly battling, literally, with my inner demon.

My shadow jumps at me and I throw up a shield spell. I grunt in effort trying to keep the shield together while veins of shadow try to break through.

I grit my teeth and push back against the shadow. Bright light blooms from my palms as my shadow is forced back. It skids to a halt, staring at my glowing hands in wonder. I too examine my hands.

A smirk rests on my face as I lift my hands into a fighting position.

"Come on bitch, let's finish this."

Gabriel's POV

I glance in disgust at the portal to Hell. A shimmering window in between two pristine white marble pillars. Just on the other side a disgusting back alley, trash, used drugs, corpses line the filthy street.

My white feathered wings flutter ever so slightly behind me.

"A horrid place for horrid people." I mutter to myself.

I take a deep breath and set my shoulders as I step confidently towards the portal. Without looking behind me I step through the shimmering glasslike portal.

A tingling feeling spreads throughout my whole body as I emerge from the portal. The portal from this side just looks like a plain brick wall.

I turn away from the hidden portal and take in my new appearance.

Claws now grace my finger tips. My wings taking on a more leathery bat like appearance. My halo drops away, I feel the weight of two massive ram like horns appearing on my head.

A busted mirror hangs on the wall nearby. I make eye contact with my cracked reflection. My pupils have thinned to slits and two fangs replace my normal canines.

I glance down at my once clean white robes, now black and ripped. I sigh and snap my fingers, changing the robes to something less standout-ish.

I nod to myself and step out of the alleyway

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I nod to myself and step out of the alleyway.

"Now to find this stupid hotel."

Date- 10-22-2020
Words- 858

I hope you enjoyed chapter one! I have lots planned and can't wait to share it with y'all!


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