Ch. 5- Dynasty

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I'm taken aback at first by his sudden presence. How did I not hear him come in?

I stand there not sure where to look. Alastor towers over me, his never ending smile still plastered to his face.

But in his eyes the same surprise and relief that most likely shows on my face.

"(Y/n)." He says my name again softly as if he's not sure whether his eyes are playing tricks on him or not.

I heave a sigh and snap him out of his stare. "Yes I'm awake. What is it not normal for someone to take a nap after a battle." I move past him and into the main part of my room.

"You were asleep for two weeks." He says.

I stop in my tracks.

Two weeks?

I see my shadow out of the corner of my eye. I turn towards it.

"Two weeks!? You trapped me for two weeks!" I yell towards it.

Time was irrelevant.

"Irrelevant!" I scoff. "Oh if I could strangle you right now!"

Yes irrelevant

This is Hell, tell me when was the last time you actually aged

"Fine. Fine." I throw up my hands in surrender, "Just go make yourself useful and reclaim any lost territory." I wave my shadow away with a dismissive gesture.

As my shadow disappears I feel a hand placed on my shoulder. Turning my head I see Alastor still standing there. I forgot he was here for a bit.

I turn to face him. A mix of emotions flash through his eyes but he hides it behind that same old smile.

"I'm sorry." he says at last, breaking the silence.

I scoff, "You're sorry? For what? Almost killing me? Shattering what was left of my heart into millions of pieces? Yeah you got a lot to be sorry for."

He seems taken aback by the snap in my voice. He looks down and what appears to be guilt crosses his face.


Since when does Alastor feel guilt?

He takes a shaky breath, "You said that the old you is dead." He looks up to meet my eyes.

I stare back, confused as to where this is going.

"Is that true?" He asks.

"Yes." I say plainly, "and do know if I'll ever get her back." I mumble the last part as I look away.

Alastor is silent again, he just stares at me and I notice what he's looking at. My scars are showing. Slowly he steps closer.

Everything in me says to back away. To turn and run, never to look back. But I don't, I stay rooted to the floor, unmoving. I can't tell whether it's fear or bravery that keeps me there.

I watch silently as he lifts his hand and reaches out to touch the scar above my heart. His fingers are cold and I shudder.

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