Ch. 23- What's to Come

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I don't want to sleep. Something tells me that I won't like what I find in my mind. I lay awake in my bed trying not to close my eyes but they grow ever more heavy with each passing second.

I sit up in a golden field. The same golden field I first remembered Eris in. In the distance over a hill a tall oak tree stands alone. Feeling the soft dirt under my feet and the cold breeze I follow the pull towards the tree.

Under the shade of the tree a simple red blanket sits decorated with a simple feast in a clearing

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Under the shade of the tree a simple red blanket sits decorated with a simple feast in a clearing. The grapes shine with perfect ripeness, the sandwitches made with a mother's touch, the cheese and crackers spread out in a perfect little arrangement.

"(Y/N)! Eris! Come on girls!"

I see my mother in a simple blue dress, a matching ribbon tying her hair out of her face. A big smile adorns her face as two young girls rush through the field to meet her. One with wild (h/c) hair and another with a simple braid. In each hand the girls carry a crown of flowers, white, purple, and yellow.

"Mama look!" The young me laughs. She spins around, her dress fanning out, a similarly colored crown of flowers in her hair.

"Me too, Mama! Me too!" The young Eris spins around in slow toddler circles, a crown upon her head.

"Don't you two just look lovely," Mother smiles.

"We made one for you mama." The young me holds out a third crown.

"We did, mama. We did." Eris exclaims.

Mother takes the crown from my hands and places it in her hair. "Thank you lovelies. It's beautiful."

The scene plays out like a happy movie, the three of us sitting around laughing, telling stories, enjoying the food. For a moment I let myself forget Gabriel's threats, I let myself be happy in my memories.

A whisper of darkness reaches my ears, I turn in the direction of the noise and watch as a shadow falls over the land. The golden wheat turns black and rots away. The tree we sit under withers and crumples.

"No!" I cry out. I throw out my hand and form a shield around my family to protect them from the spreading darkness. Veins of inky black nothingness climb the walls of my barrier and pound on it. Cracks spider web all over the dome and the ground shakes.

I try my hardest to keep them safe but it falls, the wall falls and my family is consumed by the darkness.

I stand alone in a dead field under a dying tree. The birds that once sang beautifully now lay dead silent. No wind blows the stale atmosphere away, no sun shines, no insects buzz, all is silent and dead.

"It's a shame what happened to them." A voice breaks the silence and I spin around to face Gabriel. My heart burns with hate and malice.

"What did you do?" I demand.

"Oh nothing. Not yet at least." Garbiel hums. "And this my dear is only the beginning. There is so much more to come. So much more I have planned for you."

I'm about to ask what the hell he means when he holds up a hand to stop me.

"All in due time my dear, all in due time. We will meet again very soon." On that final note Gabriel disappears in a flash of light and flutter of feathers.

"Son of a bitch." I growl out.

The tree beside me starts shaking, I watch as the trunk cracks and inky darkness spills from it. The cracks spread all throughout the tree and down to the ground. The ground opens up beneath me and I'm lost to the dark abyss.

I sit straight up in bed. I glance around my room at the hotel. I jump out of bed and race out of my room. I need to find Charlie, but the more I look the emptier the hotel feels. There's no movement, no voices, nothing.

I rush out the front door only to find Hell in complete ruins. The chime of the great clock screams above the sound of screams. '000' days until next extermination hang by loose wires ready to break and fall at any moment. A dark cloud covers the sun, exterminators fly around killing anything in their path. The destruction and death one hundred times that of a normal extermination.

I turn around to go back to the hotel only to find it in ruins. A smoking pile of rubble, the only indication of what it used to be is a half lit hotel sign.

"No!" I rush through the rubble, "Please not you too. I can't lose everybody. Please." I call out everyone's name but only the screams and cries of the dying answer. I dig through the rubble but the longer I look the faster my hope flies out through an open window.

That's when I find them. One by one I uncover each body of my friends, my family. Angel was still holding Fat Nuggets, as if trying to protect him. Charlie and Vaggie held onto each other tightly. Even Husk covered little Nifty with his wings to protect her.

Al is not too far from them all. His microphone staff lay broken in two by his side, blood drips down his chin, bruises and cuts litter his body.

"No!" I cry.

"I told you. Monsters like you don't get a happily ever after." Gabriel sneers.

"You're the monster." I cry.

"No darling. I'm an angel."

I jolt awake and sit up straight in my bed. Alastor is sitting by my bedside, he jumps a bit at my sudden movement. My breathing comes in ragged pants as I try to understand what I just saw.

"Darling what's wrong? I heard screaming." Alastor places a soft hand on my cheek.

"He's coming." I whisper out of breath. "He's coming."

"Who's coming, love?" Al grabs my hand and rubs soft circles on it.



So I've been binging Supernatural... I watched the entirety of season 7 within 3 days. My friends say I have a problem. I don't think so.
I gotta say my favorite characters are probably (besides Sam and Dean), Cas, Crowley, Balthazar, Garth, and Bobby. Honestly I like all the characters to some extent.

Except for John. John Winchester can rot in Hell. And Uriel. And Zachariah. But mainly John.

Anyways while watching it loads of ideas for stories have manifested in my mind so I can't wait to write those!

Hope y'all enjoyed!


Also I had not seen any of Supernatural when I created the Gabriel character for this book so my Gabriel is in no way based of the character from the show, they just happen to share a name.

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