Ch. 29- I Love You

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I barely register the angel spear sticking out of my heart. For a second I feel nothing. Then it hits me. Pain worse than anything I ever felt before explodes in my chest. It hurts to breathe. I look down at the blood soaking my shirt. I never thought I'd go out like this.

The world is spinning. My vision is darkening. Time slows as my knees give out and I fall.

3rd POV

Alastor teleports over to where (y/n) falls. He catches her before she can hit the ground. He slowly lowers to his knees as he cradles her head in his arms.

"(y/n)?" He brushes a strand of hair out of her face. She slowly opens her eyes to look at Al.

(y/n) cracks a pained smile with blood stained teeth. "H-hey Al." She whispers weakly. "We won right?" she asks.

Alastor nods, tears pooling in his eyes. It's so hard to keep the smile on his face.

"Is everyone okay?" (y/n) asks. Again Al nods. She smiles.

Everyone else stands silently around the fallen wolf. Cherri has her hand rubbing circles on Angel's back. Charlie has tears streaming down her face. Even Vaggie, who never really liked the wolf all that much, has tears in her eyes.

Eris recovers from the shove and looks at her sister. "(Y/n)! Oh my!" She rushes over to her side and drops to her knees. "No, no, no, no! (Y/n)!" Eris looks at the blood slowly staining the front of (Y/n)'s shirt. She reaches out and grips the shaft of the spear.

(Y/n) grabs her hand and stops her from pulling out the spear. "Don't." She coughs out.

Eris shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I have to take this out."

"There's no point. It's only a matter of time." (Y/n) whispers.

"No. No! Don't say that. We can fix this. We can!" Eris breaks down knowing her sister is right.

(y/n) reaches out to hold Eris' hand. "Hey it's okay. I'm just a sinner anyway. This was bound to happen eventually."

Eris sniffs and grabs (Y/n)'s hand.

"I love you sis." (Y/n) pauses and coughs up more blood. "I'm sorry I let you die. That's what I regret most in my unholy life, not protecting you. I'm sorry I was such a horrible big sister."

"Oh, (Y/n) don't say that. You always protected me. You were the best big sister I could ask for."

"Even being a, ya know, serial killer?" (Y/n) laughs lightly.

"I don't blame you. You're still my sister. Serial killer or puppy dog trainer." Eris smiles. "I love you sis."

(Y/n) smiles, finally happy to relieve her guilt. "Stay strong for me. Okay?" Eris nods and (Y/n) smiles. She reaches up and pulls the locket off her neck. She reaches out and hands it to Eris. "I made it for you. You should keep it." Eris opens the locket and looks at the tiny picture inside.

Charlie turns to face her father. "You have to do something! Please! You can't just let her die!"

"I'm sorry Charlie. There's nothing I can do to help her." Lucifer replies solemnly.

Charlie glances at her fallen friend with tears in her eyes. A sob escapes her throat and Vaggie pulls her into a hug while rubbing comforting circles on her girlfriend's back.

Across the wreckage Gabriel stands shocked. He never anticipated this. He never guessed she would sacrifice herself for her family. Gabriel steps back into the shadows, retreating now that his mission is complete.

(Y/n) turns to face Alastor. "Al?"

"Yes, d-darling?"

"It's okay to frown a little. Please show me a frown."

The smile falls away instantly. Alastor feels different not having his normally large smile.

"There you go." (Y/n) raises her hand and places it against his cheek. "I forgive you. For everything."

"I love you (Y/n)." Alastor gives her a small pained smile.

(Y/n) returns the smile. "Alive and dead you were the best thing to ever happen to me." She pauses as it gets harder to form words with all the blood pooling in her lungs. She coughs up some blood. Time's almost up and she knows it. She pulls Alastor down for one last kiss. "I...." She needs to say it. She must, but try as hard as she can the words just won't come out.

Her shadow stands off to the side watching its master slowly bleed to death. It looks down at its hands as they slowly lighten and fade away.

(Y/n) stares into those beautiful ruby eyes as hers slowly drift shut and her body stills.

"(Y/N)?" Alastor rubs some blood off her cheek with his thumb. "(Y/n), darling please don't leave me again." A rare tear slips down his cheek and lands on (Y/n)'s forehead. Alastor notices the shadow standing a few feet away. Its body slowly fading.

The shadow doesn't say anything just shakes its head slowly before completely fading from view.

Alastor looks back down at (y/n). "I love you Darling." A sob echos over the battlefield. Everyone somber and silent, even the king of hell.

Alastor bends down and kisses (Y/n) lightly on the forehead before cradling her head against his chest.

Tears spill down his face, his smile nowhere to be found. He buries his nose in her hair and cries. Cries again as she dies in his arms.


Alastor walks through the woods. He heard the sound of a police chase earlier and wanted to check it out. (Y/n) had not come home when she said she would and he grew worried for her.

He finds a trail of blood and follows it through the trees. His worry growing.

In a small clearing a few feet in front of him he sees a fallen figure left for the crows and other scavengers. (h/c) hair fans out on the forest floor and Alastor rushes over.

Her face is covered in dirt. Her hair has collected many leaves and sticks from her attempt to lose the men and dogs. Blood seeps out of the hole in her forehead along with a wound on her leg.

"No, no, no!" He cries. His hands hover in the air as if he's afraid to touch her. Slowly he places his hand on her cheek and wipes away some mud. "My Darling this is all my fault. I'm sorry."

His hands coated in her blood. He hugs her cooling body close to his as if trying to transfer some heat to it.

"Fair Lady, throw those costly robes aside,
No longer may you glory in your pride;
Take leave of all your carnal vain delight,
I'm come to summon you away this night.~"

~End of Flashback~

"'Though thy vain heart to riches is inclined
Yet thou must die and leave them all behind.
I come to none before their warrant's sealed,
And, when it is, they must submit, and yield.~"

"Though some by age be full of grief and pain,
Till their appointed time they must remain;
I take no bribe, believe me,this is true.
Prepare yourself to go; I'm come for you.~"

Pulled again into those memories Alastor places his forehead against hers as he cries.

Hell is silent.

The only sounds heard are the soft crackling of fires and sobs of a seemingly heartless demon as he clung to his love he lost once before.

The powerful witch has fallen.


The end!

Just kidding. I have one more chapter for y'all. Though I did consider ending it like this.

Hope y'all enjoyed!


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