Ch. 18- Heavenly Deal

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The trees shake as my blood boils. I strike the nearest tree, my claws cut through it easily causing it to tip and fall.

I summon my sword and cut down tree after tree.

I summon my sword and cut down tree after tree

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"Why doesn't she understand?"

With every swing and tip of the tree my anger rises.

"I can never get up to heaven."

You're mad

"No shit Sherlock!" I cut down another tree.

You belong in Hell

"I know! But Charlie doesn't get that!" I swing again, this time my sword glows and light gathers around it. A wave of energy, following the curve of my swing flies through the air and cuts down multiple trees.

But you want to see your family again

Your sister

I sigh, my rage melting away, and sit on the log of a fallen tree. "I do. But I'll never see her again, I know it." My sword disappears and I run my hands through my hair.

"Excuse my intrusion but I can't help but notice you look a little lonely."

I look up a Jack who takes a seat next to me. "Hey Jack. Thanks but I don't really want to talk about it." I look away.

"You sure?" He looks around at what's left of the forest after my destruction. "Is it about your redemption?"

"How did you?"

"I overheard you talking with Charlie on many accounts."

"Oh." I look down and dig my toes into the dirt. "Yeah."

"Tell me what's wrong," he grabs my hand in his, "you can trust me."

I shake my head. "I don't know."

"Please? I hate seeing you so down."

"I don't know where to begin." I say honestly.

"Well the beginning is the best place to start."

I smile a little and laugh softly, "the beginning." I situate myself so I'm looking at Jack. "When I first got to Hell I hardly remembered any of my past, only my sins. But one day I started having these dreams about my sister. Charlie convinced me that the only way to see her again was to redeem myself and go to heaven. But I don't think I can do that.

For as long as I can remember I've been evil. I've done things unforgivable things and the worst part was is I don't regret doing those things. How could my sister possibly want to see me if I'm not the sister she remembers?

Anyway I kind of blew up and killed a lot of people and destroyed lots of builds. Vaggie of course got extremely pissed off. But Charlie, once the rage was gone, looked disappointed. She called me selfish and greedy. It hurt so much but she doesn't understand what I'm going through."

Finishing my sob story I turn away so he can't see the tears in my eyes.

"It's okay." Jack says and pulls me into a hug. "You really want to see your sister don't you?"

"More than anything."

"I could take you to her."

I pull away in surprise, "what?"

"I can take you to her." Jack repeats louder.

"How? What? She's in Hell?"

"No no. You were right about one thing, you sister was no sinner."

"Then how can you take me to her?" I ask.

Jack smiles and his form shivers and shines until it's transformed into a different person. A pair of white feathered wings sit at his back.

"You're a- an angel?" I say surprised.

He nods, "my name is Gabriel and I can take you to your sister. But we must make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" I ask skeptically.

"Well you can't come to heaven all powerful like this." He gestures to me.

"So what? I give up my power and you take me to my sister no questions asked?"

"Not all of your power, but most of it."

"I don't know." I trail off and turn around.

"How badly do you want to see your sister?" Gabriel asks.



Don't do it

I turn to my shadow. "Why?"

It could be a trap

"A trap? He's an angel, he's not capable of deceit." I counter.

I turn towards Gabriel but my shadow grabs my arm

If you go with him I can't follow

I won't be able to protect you

I sigh and look into my shadows pleading eyes. "I'm sorry but I need to see my sister."

Understanding my shadow drops my arm and backs up.

"Alright Gabriel, you have a deal." I hold out my hand.

"Great!" Gabriel says, for a second I feel like I see malicious intent in his eyes but it is quickly wiped away with a warm smile. He grabs my hand and shakes it.

I immediately feel lighter and a bright light surrounds us. I look back at my shadow and watch as it vanishes. I look at the world I've spent so long in, become consumed by this growing light.

"Next stop, Heaven." Gabriel says as the light suddenly goes really bright, so bright I can't see anything.

My body feels like it's floating before a rush of nausea overcomes me and my feet hit semi hard ground.

My head spins as I try to regain my bearings. My jaw hits the floor as I look out over the light of heaven.

"Welcome to the land of saints my dear." Gabriel says.

"Holy sh-"

Date- 12-26-2020
Words- 897

As promised another chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed!

Can't believe 2020 is almost over!


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