Ch. 19- Family Reunion

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I blink repeatedly as my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness.

I glance at Gabriel next to me, he seems to glow with new light. He looks truly happy to be here. I look down at myself only to notice I'm still in my Hell outfit and I still look like a demon.

"Uh Gabby? I'm still a demon." I say.

He looks at me his brows knit in confusion. "Gabby?"

I shrug. "Would you rather me call you jackass."

He grumbles under his breath. "Fine whatever. And about your appearance, as you spend more time in heaven your soul will chance and you'll become an angel." He explains.

"Wait I can change into an angel!?"

"Yes if you do nothing that would get you banished from heaven your demon features with change into your halo and wings."

"So I'm like getting redeemed?"

"In a way, yes. And once you become a full angel you will not longer belong to Hell." He says as he leads me towards a tall castle.

"Can I go back? Like to visit?" I ask.

"Until your a full angel. Once you hit that stage there will be no need to go back to that horrid place."

"So I won't be able to see them again?"

"No, besides why would you want you? What could you possibly gain from going back there where you're not wanted?"

I look down at my feet and follow Gabriel through the huge gates. My thoughts are put on hold as I look around at the enchanting throne room we've entered. Light glitters through the open windows. A giant chandelier shines like a thousand stars. "Wow.." I sigh under my breath.

Gabriel smirks and looks pleased with himself. "You like it?"

"It's so beautiful."

"This is just one part I have so much more I can show you. But first we need to meet someone special."

My stomach drops as a weird feeling settles in my gut. "Wait we're not meeting?"

"Yup!" Gabriel throws open another set of doors and my jaw drops.

Sitting on a throne of glass and clouds, shrouded in pure white robes, a warm smile on his face, God himself looks down at me. He steps down from his throne and walks up to me. I step back as he steps forward.

"Child you have no need to fear me." He voice is soft and soothing. I instantly relax.

"You must be God." I say trying to break the strange silence that's over taken us.

"Indeed. And you must be (y/n)."

"You know me?" I ask my eyes wide.

"Oh yes. I've seen your little displays of power down in Hell. I've seen you grow into the woman you are now from the moment you were born. I have seen every choice you ever made."

"That's soothing." I avert my gaze.

"(Y/n) do you know why you're here?"

I shrug, "Gabby here promised I could see my sister."

God raises an eyebrow at the nickname for Gabriel and smirks. "(Y/n) I see your heart and your spirit. You are not who you think you are."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You will soon find out. You will be presented with a choice. A choice that will change you forever. By then you need to know who you truly are."

"I don't get it." I say.

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