Ch. 11- Customers

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Gabriel's POV



The plan is coming together. It should work.

I pace around the small motel room I am staying it. Surprisingly it's decently clean. I stop my pacing and stare at my reflection.

That deer knows what I look like.

I scrunch up my nose and think for a moment. My eyes light with an idea. With a wave of my hand heavenly white light twists and swirls around my body, changing my appearance.

The ram like horns shrink and disappear into my skin. My pointed ears stretch and change until they land atop my head, two wolf like ears stick up at attention. My eyes change to a bright yellow. My skin darkens two tones. My blonde hair becomes jet black. A new black fur covered tail swishes behind me.

"Now for the outfit."

My current outfit glows that same white and shifts into something new.

I straighten the jacket and pull a hair off the sleeve

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I straighten the jacket and pull a hair off the sleeve.

Taking one last look, I nod to myself and head out into the horrors of Hell.

I side step past some drunks and move around a puddle of blood. I stick my hands in my pocket and keep my head down. The sooner I finish this job the sooner I can get out of here and go back to where I belong.

My thoughts are scrambled when I'm shoved from behind. I trip over my feet and just barely stop myself from falling on my face.

I glare and look up to see a long eared short demon running down the street. Their long tail with a black tuff on the end trails behind. Their cropped brown hair sticks out at crazy angles. In their arms a bag of what appears to be money, booze, and jewels.

Another demon is running behind. "Thief!" He shouts.

The long eared demon looks back and smirks. Her bright green eyes glowing slightly.

She flips the demon off and leaps up onto a nearby roof and disappears.

The demon huffs in defeat and turns to return to his shop. Only to find it being looted. "Hey!" He screams and runs over. The thieving demons scatter while laughing.

I roll my eyes and continue towards the hotel.

I'd be there so much faster if I had wings.

I turn the corner and finally the hotel is in view. I stuff my hands in my pockets and try to look like I belong.

I'm about to knock on the door when I sense a presence behind me.

"Are you here to get redeemed?"

I jump at the voice and turn around. (Y/N) is standing there with her arms crossed.

I put some fear in my voice, "I-I, um, yeah." I avert my gaze and scratch the back of my neck.

(Y/n) smiles. "Don't be afraid. As long as you're here and not causing trouble you have nothing to fear."

I look up at her smiling face, I look a bit closer and it seems strained. I shake the thought away  "T-thanks."

(Y/n) moves past me and pulls open the door. "Come on then. I'll get Charlie."

A small smile rests on my face as I follow her in. I look around the inside of the hotel, doesn't look much different from the last time i was here.

"Charlie!" (Y/n) shouts. "You have a customer!"

I hear the thumping of running footsteps and suddenly the princess of Hell rounds the corner and skids to a stop.

A huge smile is on her face as she grabs my hand and shakes it. "Welcome to the Happy Hotel!"

(Y/n) laughs through her nose and heads to the bar, where the bartender begrudgingly begins to get her a drink.

Charlie is asking me questions but I'm not paying attention, my whole focus is on (y/n) and how she shines in this low light.

My thoughts are shattered when the door bursts open and that long eared, thieving demon from before enters.

Charlie quickly greets them and ushers us both to her office where she hands us the papers we need to fill out and hands us our keys.

After a few minutes we're free to go to our rooms. I head down the hallway trying to find my room number.

"Hey Jack!" the thieving demon, whose name I learned is Harper, approached me. She holds out her key which has a number one off from mine, "looks like we're neighbors."

"I better not find anything of mine stolen." I mutter.

"I swear, nothing from your room will end up in mine, unless I find it outside your room."

I turn to her with a look.

She shrugs, "hey it's fair game if it's not in your room."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

We fall into silence until Harper nudges my side.

"I saw you making goo-goo eyes at that other wolf demon."

I stop in my tracks. "What?"

"You like her don't you?" Harper gives me a smug grin. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." She runs her fingers across her lips as if to sip them shut.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mutter.

"Oh come on, you were basically eye fucking her right there in the lobby."

My face turns red and I choke on my words.

"Like I said your secret is safe with me. You're lucky too, I heard she fell out with that other Overlord. She's single bro, now's your chance."

I shake my head, "you're mistaken."

"Oh I don't think I am." Harper smiles cheekily and opens her room door.

I hadn't even noticed that we were here. I run my hand through my hair and open my door. This is going to be a long couple of weeks.

Date- 12-5-2020
Words- 972

Harper is one of my OCs and I thought it'd be fun to include her in this adventure. Pictures of her and her backstory are in my one shot book if ya wanna see what she looks like.

Any who sorry for the little delay. Hope y'all enjoyed.


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