Ch. 21- Runaway

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I walk down the dark path my wings tucked into my back, my tail swaying slightly.

I can't help but think I should go back. I thought as I stayed up here longer I'd eventually forget about Hell, but it seems the longer I'm up here the more I itch to run back.

I miss Charlie's cheery personality. I miss drinking late with Husk. I miss having fun and doing crazy shit with Angel.

I miss Al. I miss everything about him.

What would everyone think if I ran off? Went back to Hell? What would I say to my friends when I show up on the hotel doorstep? How would I explain where I was, what I was doing?

The constant pull to return to hell like I small beat in my veins that I can't ignore. An itch demanding to be scratched but I can't reach it.

"Are you all right, (y/n)?"

I spin around to see Gabriel standing there. "Oh Gabby! Yeah, um, I'm fine." I put on a fake smile.

"(Y/n). I can tell you're not fine. You're thinking about hell again." Gabriel steps closer to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "I know you miss it there, but this is what you wanted right? To be with your family."

"I just wish I could see them all. Just one last time."

"I know it must be hard for you to move on, but trust me if you cling to those demons it'll only lead to heart break." Gabriel says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I want to show you something." Gabriel takes my hand and leads me towards God's castle.

-time skip-

"Why are we here?" I ask as we venture around the empty halls.

"Because there's something you need to see. Something that will help you understand."

"Understand what?" But Gabriel doesn't respond, he just continues to lead me through the halls.

We stop in front of a dark door, only decorated with a golden plaque that says, Gabriel.

Gabriel opens the door and steps into the lavishly decorated room. "Welcome to my office." He says with a smile.

I step in and look around, "why am I here?" I ask him.

"Because I want to show you something."

"You've said that three times now! What the hell are you going to show me." I ask annoyedly.

Gabriel points to a large mirror on the wall, "that."

"A mirror? Really? That's it?" I cross my arms.

"That my friend is definitely not it." He waves his hand across the mirror and the reflection becomes smoky before clearing to a picture of the hotel.

My jaw drops. "What?"

"It's a window to hell, darling. You can see anything or anyone in hell."

I touch the mirror as it zooms into the hotel to show everyone working.

I smile, until I look closer and notice that they all look happy. Even Angel is happily flirting with Husk.

"They've all moved on." Gabriel says softly, "I think it's time you do too."

"No," I say barely above a whisper, "they're my family."

"Look at them down there (y/n)."

Gabriel points through the window to Hell. I watch as they go about their duties at the hotel, looking perfectly content without me there. The scene breaks my heart.

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