Ch. 2- New Customer?

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Third POV: at the hotel

Angel makes his way towards (y/n)'s room. It's been a hard couple of days without his best friend. And poor Al hasn't left the room once.

Angel knocks lightly as he opens the door to room 13. Inside he's not surprised to see that Alastor hasn't moved an inch.

Angel walks up to the deer, he almost puts a hand on Al's shoulder but decides against it.

"Ya know Al you look like shit. You should probably get some rest, maybe eat something, get out of this stuffy room and get some fresh air." Angel suggests.

Alastor doesn't respond as he keeps watching (y/n)'s very still face.

Angel sighs, "she wouldn't want you to starve yourself. She'd want you to take care of yourself. If you don't do it for yourself do it for her at least."

Alastor sighs, "fine but only for a few minutes. Then I'm coming right back."

"Take your time, I can watch over her." Angel says as Al stands.

Alastor takes one last look at (y/n) before exiting the room.

Angel sighs and sits on the bed. "Ya know pup, it's been a real shit show without you around. No one knows what to do really." Angel wipes a tear away before it can fall. "Come back to us. Your strong, you can get through it, just come back."

(Y/n)'s POV

My claws just barely graze my shadow as it jumps away.

My shadow teleports behind me but I dodge and roll away. I turn to face it head on. We each throw painful punches at each other, some landing others blocked.

I go to kick but my shadow ducks and kicks my leg out from under me.

I hit the ground hard and gasp as the air is knocked from my lungs

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I hit the ground hard and gasp as the air is knocked from my lungs.

My shadow stands over me, a sinister smile spread on its face. I roll out of the way just as a sword is stabbed on the ground where I previously was laying.

It would be so much easier to kill you if you would just stop moving

My shadow grunts as it stabs down again, only for me to roll out of the way once again.

I'm stopped as I hit a shadowy wall. My shadow stands on the other side of me, blocking so I have no where to go. It stands above me with a victorious smile as it readies its sword.

My shadow swings the sword down in a graceful arch. I throw my hands up and catch the tip of the sword with pulsing (f/c) energy right before it pierces my skin.

I grunt as I try with all my strength to keep the sword away. While my shadow puts all its, surprisingly existent, weight on the top try to force the blade down.

The sword starts slowly getting closer to my chest. I huff and pant with effort to keep it away.

"Relax, take a deep breath. It'll come easier if you steady your breathing."

A faint, yet familiar, voice calls out in my mind. The voice itself sounds familiar but I don't remember where I heard it.

Taking the helpful advice, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can feel my power refocusing and gathering stronger than before.

I open my eyes and watch as the once (f/c) energy turns heavenly white. I take another deep breath and push with all my might.

The sword goes flying out of my shadows hands and is lost. My shadow stumbles back a bit. I jump the my feet and charge at my shadow. I go to deliver some blows but surprisingly it's still able to black them.

I step back a little and jump up planting both my feet on its chest, kicking it hard as I flip up and away.

I step back a little and jump up planting both my feet on its chest, kicking it hard as I flip up and away

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My shadow falls and skids along the ground. I rise up and stalk over to it.

"Let me out now or I will banish you for good." I growl.

You'd really do that

Become weak forever

For what

To see those pathetic demons you call friends

"Yes I would because they're more than friends, their my family. My only family."

We stare each other down. Each giving the other a glare that could kill, but I will not back down.


But first we'll make a deal

Third POV: at the hotel

Charlie is sitting in the lobby with Vaggie. The two are going over ways to help boost the hotel's presence, thought neither of them have their heart in it.

Charlie just can't take her mind off (y/n). She tried to call her father, Lucifer, but of course he didn't really care and told Charlie to fix her own problems. Which honestly didn't make much sense since (y/n) was one of his favorite overlords.

Vaggie of course was worried for her girlfriend who is hardly happy anymore, constantly worrying about her friend.

Noticing that Charlie isn't focused on the topic anymore, Vaggie places a hand on Charlie's shoulder.

"Let's take a break, okay?"

Charlie just nods in response.

They sit together in silence as Charlie leans on Vaggie and Vaggie rubs circles on Charlie's back.




Both girls jump at the sudden knocking coming from the door. Charlie's eyes widen and she gets up to answer the door.

On the other side of the door is a demon with bat like wings and ram horns on his head. His hands are in the pockets of the black leather jacket he's wearing. He smiles down at Charlie.

"Good evening princess." He says smoothly.

Date- 10-24-2020
Words- 949

Hope y'all enjoyed chapter two.

Did you like the gifs for the fight scenes? I thought it would be cool to add them.


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