Ch. 30- Redemption

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No one dares to move.

No one breathes.

No one knows what to do. Their best friend has fallen. An angelic spear through her heart. There was no saving her.

Or so they thought.

The ground quakes below them. The portal to heaven widens and a man cloaked in pure white robes along with a woman in a sky blue dress descend. Lucifer approaches the man and woman.

"God." He says bitterly.

"Hello Lucifer." God responds.

"Here to view the work of your angels." Lucifer hisses.

"Yes actually. I have also come to undo a mistake that has been made."

Eris notices the woman standing next to God and rushes over. "Mama!" Eris sobs into her mothers arms before calming down a bit and facing God. "Can you bring her back? Can you save my sister?"

God smiles at Eris before looking at the fallen wolf. He walks over and kneels before Alastor. "May I?" He asks and holds out his hands to (Y/n).

Alastor looks at him wearily before slowly handing (Y/n) over to him.

God holds her small body close to his as he pulls out the spear. The wound glows slightly until there's nothing left. God stands with (Y/n) in his arms. He whispers something in her ear and she begins to glow. All of her wounds heal, her skin regains its color.

She starts floating as if she was under water. Her hair swirls around her. From the rubble two familiar looking wings float too. There's blinding light and all the present demons cover their eyes. When the light dies down they watch in awe as (Y/n) lowers to the ground. Tail and ears nowhere to be found, but two beautiful wings lay on her back.

"She's been redeemed." Charlie whispers in awe. Lucifer looks just as surprised.

(Y/n)'s form lay unmoving for a while before she gasps and her eyes fly open. God extends his hand to her and helps her to her feet. "What happened?" She asks.

God smiles at her. "You've been redeemed, child."

(Y/n) notices the absence of her ears and tail, even her claws. God walks her to the edge of the portal where she stops and stares at the familiar place.

(Y/n) POV

I stare at the shining portal to Heaven.

Is this real? This can't be real, right?

My new heavenly wings flutter behind me. It feels kind of strange to have wings instead of ears and a tail.

Eris is by my side. She gazes at me happily, my mother walks over to us and engulfs me in a hug.

"My baby girl! I am so proud of you!" she cries.

I hug her back. My mind is foggy, everything is like a dream come true but deep down it doesn't feel right.

I don't belong in heaven.

"Dear don't say that." my mother responds and I realize I said that out loud.

I turn towards God, "I don't understand. I did terrible things in my life, I killed people!" My sister and mother flinch when I say that. I ignore the pain in my heart. "Why redeem me?"

"Because child you sacrificed everything for those you loved. You sought to protect them with everything you have and are. You were a misguided soul but never an evil one." He explains.

I look down at my hands. Without their claws it doesn't feel right. The wings at my back and the halo above my head don't feel real, and yet they are.

"I..." I can't decide. I want to go to heaven, I do, but I can't leave here. I can't leave them.

I can't leave him.

As if reading my thoughts God speaks up, "It is your choice child, whether you stay or go."

I look at my sister and mother. My sister glances behind me at the hotel staff. She gives me a knowing nod. They come forth and take my hands.

"Whatever you choose I want you to be happy." My mother says.

"You will always be my sister, in Heaven or Hell." Eris says.

"And you will forever be my daughter." My mother pulls us both into a hug. When we part they both smile at me and turn to stand next to the portal.

I stand next to God. "I wish to stay."

"Even with your family up here?" He asks.

"With all due respect sir. My family is also down here." I say as I glance at everyone.

"Very well." God nods, "You may stay."

A bright smile lights up my face. I feel my wings morf back to my ears and tail. My tail wags happily as I turn and sprint towards Al. I jump into his arms and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you!" I say out of breath, "And I'll never leave you."

I pull back to look at him. He smiles a real genuinely happy smile. My arms move to the front of his shirt and I pull him down to meet my lips.

My arms snake back up around his neck, while his rest around my waist.

When we part we're both out of breath and flush faced. Everyone around us cheers.

"I love you too, my darling."

Date- 3/6/21
Words- 888

Wow... it's done. It's finished! Thank you to everyone who has been reading since the beginning. Every comment, every vote, every view inspired me to continue this book and now here we are... at the end.

I'm gonna be one hundred and eleven percent honest with all of you. When I started writing this it was just for fun. I never expected all of you to enjoy it. Now the first book has almost 108k views! What! I never thought my writing style was any good. I just got an idea and ran with it.

I started this book back in July of 2020... and now almost 8 months later I finished it. If it wasn't for all the support from all of you I don't think I would have finished it. You all have been such a positive force in my life and I feel that I can write more for you so... if you aren't following and you liked this story you should follow so you stay up to date on all my new books.

I have a long list of fandoms I'm in and lots of ideas for books and one shots! Can't wait to see you all in the next one!

Hope y'all enjoyed this Hazbin Tale!


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