Chapter 5: The Bomb

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I walked into the school the next morning trying to find MJ, Ned, and Peter.

"Guys guys guys you won't BELIEVE what happened last night!"

"Take a breath girl geez. What happened?" MJ demanded.

Normally I would have said something smart back to her but I was too excited to talk.

"Ok ok so remember yesterday when y'all were talking about the Spiderman guy yesterday?"

All three of them smirked at me so I took that as a yes.

"Well, he saved me last night."

They didn't look impressed. In fact, they almost looked amused. 

"Come on guys. Peter, aren't you like a huge fan of him or something? I thought you'd be super excited about this."

"Oh no, he is." Ned chimed in. "I think he's just super jealous that he saved you and not him. Right bro?"

He nudged Peter in the ribs.

"Yeah," Peter said, trying to hold in a laugh. "I'm so jealous."

I hinted at the way he drew out the word so. Almost sarcastically.


The next few months went by in a blur. Most days I would go to school and hang out with my friends. After a month or two, after everything was cool between Peter and me again, I even went over to his house. Just as friends. Nothing was weird between me and Peter anymore. I think that we had just come to the mutual agreement that we were friends and it didn't need to go beyond that. We were just two friends that were slightly attracted to each other. However, there were moments where it seemed that our feelings for each other were more than "friend" feelings but I just pushed them down. I didn't want to get hurt again.

"So Y/N, when do we get to go to your house?" MJ asked.

"Um... no I don't think so MJ."

"Why not? We've had like tons of sleepovers at my house and you've already been to Peter's a few times and we're going to Ned's this Saturday for some weird nerd party he's throwing so, when are we going to get to go to your house?"

"Well, I don't know, my family is kind of weird. They don't like people coming over."

It was a lie but I had to come up with something she would believe.

"Oh, ok. Well, maybe someday when we're like college roommates or something and your parents will have to meet me and then they'll love me of course, and invite me over."

"Oh yeah, that will totally happen." 

We laughed and ate the rest of our lunch. MJ was cool. She was real and definitely not afraid to speak her mind. I'm glad we were friends.




Oh god was Ned drunk already?

As if reading my mind, Peter came behind me and put his hand on my waist in order to fit through the door. My breath caught but only for a second.

"No, Ned doesn't drink. He's just very...spirited." Peter assured me.

"Haha, I can tell. I'm gonna go grab a drink, do you want one?"

"Can I come with you? Parties aren't really my things and I don't want to be left alone."

I admired how truthful he was and that he wasn't so caught up in his male ego that he could admit things like that to me.

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