Chapter 23: I need to find her

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Y/N's POV:



"No need to shout sweetie, I'm right here."

"Dad, I need to talk to you."

He must have seen the anger in my eyes because his expression of annoyance changed to one of concern.

"Honey, are you ok?"

"Don't 'honey' me dad. What happened to mom? I want the truth this time. The WHOLE truth."

He didn't look concerned anymore. He looked... scared. Nervous even.

"Honey, I've told you what happened dozens of times. Your mother and I got into a fight and she drove off. She was upset and drove a little too fast. She ran a red light and was hit head-on by a mack truck."

"That's not true and you know it. I remember. I remember her trying to get us to leave, leave you, I remember you stopping us and the fight you two had outside. I remember the yelling and the thud."

He looked angry now. "If you have a question Y/N, then ask it."

'Did you... did you kill mom?"

Now he was only angry although I could see the beginning of a smirk start to form at the corners of his mouth.



"Yes, I killed her. She knew too much and she threatened to expose me. So I killed her. It was nothing personal."

"Nothing personal... dad do you know what you are telling me right now? You're saying that you killed my mom. You're admitting to murder."

"Well, it's not like you're going to be around to tell anyone about it."

"What...what do you mean?"

"DAPHNE, get the syringe and start the car. We're going on a little field trip."

Before I could react, I felt a needle plunge into the side of my neck and my vision blurred.

"Dad...what's... what's... going...on?"

I blacked out after that.

Peter's POV:

It had been almost two weeks now and still, Y/N hadn't come to school. I got a text from her saying that she was sick and didn't know when she would be back. Unless she had contracted some sort of deadly virus from China or something, there was no way she would be gone for two weeks.

I knew my Peter Tingle wasn't wrong. I wasn't just overreacting.

I called her again for about the 20th time and still, no answer.

"I need to find her."

In the computer lab...

"Hey, Ned I need your help."

"Yeah dude what's up?"

"I need you to find where Y/N lives."

"Stalker much?"

"No Ned, this is serious. I think she's in trouble."

"Ok ok, looking up Y/N Y/L/N now."

"Ok, looks like she lives a couple of blocks over in this neighborhood here. Looks like it's next to some abandoned warehouse too."

I snapped up. "Abandoned warehouse?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I found Y/N by that warehouse and we got shot at..."

"Oh shit Peter. Dude you have to find her."

"I will don't worry. Cover for me in class?"

"Yeah man, I got you. Just hurry and be safe."

"I will."

I practically ran out of the class, grabbed my suit from under the lockers, and swung out of the school heading to Y/N's house."

I'm coming Y/N. Don't worry.

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