Chapter 28: Y/N?

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Y/N's POV:

So close.

The first two phases of my plan worked. I got a glass cup as I predicted and I left a nice little bump that Daphne would have for a while. She wouldn't be very happy about that when she woke up. She had the key too and I made it up the stairs and into the hallway. I looked around for my dad but he was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe he's out getting groceries.

My theory was soon proved wrong because as soon as I thought that, something hard and strong collided with my head, making me fall on the ground.

Well, it was a good plan at least.

I didn't blackout but I couldn't get up. I could feel the plunge of a needle into my neck and my vision blurred. When I regained consciousness, I was strapped to a chair.

"Where... where am I? What's going on?"

"Oh nothing to worry about dear." said a smooth, silky voice in the corner.


"Oh hey Daphne, how's the head?"

"You ungrateful brat. Do you know what your father and I have done to get to where we are today? And then you come around and RUIN IT!"

"Now dear, don't get too upset." My dad said to Daphne, grabbing her hand and leading her back away from me.

"Ruin what dad? What did I ruin? What are we doing here?"

"Who are you...?" I hated to ask the question but I honestly didn't know anymore. 

"I am your father Y/N, and I love you."

Under his breath, "That's why I have to do this."

"What? Do what?"

"Daphne, the syringe please."

I'm sick of needles.

"NO, please, DON'T!" I couldn't stop the tears that rolled down my face.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get out of the restraints. Daphne came towards me with a vicious grin on her face.

She was going to make this hurt.

"Stay still sweetie, the pain won't last long if you keep still," she said still grinning. 

"Dad, dad please if you love me don't do this. I can keep your secret about mom but please... don't-"

Daphne plunged the needle into my neck and the world started to spin.

Peter's POV:

The cabin was smaller than I originally thought.

That was going to complicate things.

Ned, MJ, and I had spent the better part of 30 minutes trying to find a place to park that wasn't too close to the cabin but close enough to get a clean getaway in. When we finally did that, we went over the plan one last time.


Y/N's POV:

After the world stopped spinning and I came to my senses, I knew what I had to do.


I looked up to the man in front of me. He was tall, skinny, brown hair, and even looked a bit like me.

He is who I obey.

There was a woman there too but I did not know her. I did not care about her. I did not obey her.

I obeyed only him.

There was a knock on the door.

The man looked confused. He looked at me and told the woman to tighten the restraints around my arms and then go into the back room. She did as she was told.

Was she meant to obey too?

I could not see who was at the front door but I heard a girl's voice. She sounded like she was trying to sell the man something. I could tell he was not interested but he listened nonetheless. While he was turned away, I heard someone come in from the back door. It was not the woman I knew because she had gone into the back room. On the opposite side of the house.

I was hidden away in the corner of the kitchen, out of view from the front door and where the woman was. From the back door came a figure in...


I could not tell the stranger's gender until he took his mask off.


I knew the name and I knew what I was supposed to do when I found him.


Peter's POV:

I followed the plan and went through the backdoor to find it out of view from the front door and the rest of the house.


I saw Y/N in the corner of the kitchen and went immediately to her. She looked confused so I took my mask off to let her know it was me.

"Y/N hey hey, it's ok. We're here to rescue you. Me, Ned, and MJ."

"Rescue you," she repeated in a dazed voice, her eyes never leaving mine.

What did they do to her?

"Y/N I'm going to get these restraints off ok?"

"Restraints... off."

"Yes yes restraints off, now hold still."

I had to work a bit to get them off, someone had tied them really tight. When one gave way, the rest fell off as well.

What the-

"You didn't really think it was going to that easy, did you Spiderboy?" I jumped at the voice behind me as a woman walked in from another room.

Instinct took over and I shot webs at the woman's hands, pinning her to the wall. I webbed her mouth shut for good measure, but not before she could let out a cry alerting who I could only guess was Y/N's dad.


"MJ!" I called, "RUN! I got this."

I'm glad I didn't have to tell her twice and she took off without a second thought.

"Ohhhh you are going to regret that boy. Who are you anyway?"

"The man who is going to save Y/N from you."

"And what makes you think she needs saving?"

"Is that even a question? Look at her. You are her father and yet here she is in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, restrained to a chair, forcibly by the looks of it, and she is NOT ok. What did you do to her?"

"Son there are many things here that you don't understand."

"One, don't call me son. And two, I understand just fine. I'm taking Y/N and we are leaving...


I turned back around to Y/N only to find her gone. I turned back around and got a punch to the face.

What the-


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