Chapter 29: Ow

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Y/N's POV:

I had no memory. No knowledge of who I was or who I came to be. I only knew one thing.

Eliminate Spiderman at all costs.

He was a threat to me and to the man I obeyed.

He must be eliminated.

He was a scrawny thing. Small, short, easy to punch. One punch to the face left him on the ground but he quickly recovered. He hopped up to his feet but the look in his eyes told me that he did not want to fight. He kept saying something too. Y/N. He said it over and over again but I didn't know what it meant. It meant nothing to me. Just like this boy in front of me meant nothing.

We circled each other for a while while the man slipped out the back. His safety was my number one priority and knowing he was safe gave me the incentive to finally end this scrawny little... boy in front of me.

Bring it on Spiderman.

Peter's POV:


Dang she packed some power into that punch.

"Y/N please." It was all I could think to say although I don't think anything I said got through. It was almost as if she didn't know me.

What happened to her?

I had already seen her dad run off but there was no way I could get to him. Not without me getting my teeth knocked in by Y/N. I only hoped that MJ and Ned found some way to get to him.



I was losing. I didn't want to hurt her but there was nothing else I could do. I had to knock her out somehow and take her back with me. Away from her dad. Somewhere she was safe.

It took all I had to look her in the eyes and fire my webs at her. I shot at her hands and legs pinning her to the wall only for her to rip them off like they were nothing.

Plan B

"Please forgive me." I didn't look as I swung around behind her, too fast for her to react, and hit her in the back of the head with a glass bottle, knocking her out. I caught her before she fell to the floor. When I saw that she was out cold, I picked her up and swung us over to the rendezvous point.

MJ and Ned were there, unharmed by the looks of it.

"Peter I'm sorry. We say Y/N's dad run off but we couldn't catch up to him and-"

"Hey hey MJ it's ok. You guys are safe and that's all that matters."

I laid Y/N down in the back seat and put her head in my lap as we drove back home.

"May is out of town this week, she can stay with me. And it's spring break so we won't have to worry about school for a little while."

"Ok, and Ned and I will come at least once a day to come and check on her." Ned nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, and I got this new lego death star that we can work on Peter and-" We just looked at him.

"Right, not the time. Gotcha."

We rode in silence for the rest of the ride. Y/N stayed asleep the entire time.

"Wake up soon Y/N," I whispered. "Come back to me." 

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