Chapter 15: You Got Freaking Shot

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"Mom..." I whispered.

This couldn't be real. No, it wasn't real. It had to be because of the weird dreams I've been having that now for some reason, in this exact moment, that I decided to see my mother in a weird coffin looking thing in a sketchy abandoned building.

Spiderman touched my shoulder but I didn't pay attention to it. My eyes were fixed on the layout before me. I had the vague inclination of him telling me to move back before we were seen but I didn't move. I didn't budge.


I heard shouting from somewhere below up and it wasn't until Spiderman yanked me back that I realized that there were people in the building... and they had seen us. I heard glass breaking all around us as they shot what sounded (or didn't sound like silent bullets).

"RUN!" I heard Spiderman yell and this time, I did.

"Y/N grab onto me and I'll get us out of here."

I did as he said and when we started to swing away, I didn't scream. I didn't even make a sound. All I heard was the wind whistling in my ear and a painted grunt that came from Spiderman.

At some point, we landed on a roof after swinging for a while. We had to make sure that we had gotten far enough away so that we, or so I, were safe.

Spiderman put me down gently before landing on the ground himself and limping towards me.

"Hey," he said. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok- wait, why are you limping?"

I looked up at him and then down to his leg where I saw blood coming from a wound in his calf.

"Oh my god, you were shot!"

"Haha yeah, don't worry, it's nothing."

"Nothing? What do you mean it's nothing? You got freaking shot!"

Consider your next words very carefully Y/N.

"Can we swing us to my house?"

"What?" He sounded surprised.

"Can you swing us to my house? My new step-mom or whatever she is is a nurse or something and I'm sure will have supplies."

Oh, I really hope this didn't end badly.

"Yeah, yeah I can swing us to your house. Where do you live?"

Peter's POV:

That was her mom? What was going on here?

I didn't have much time to try and piece it together before I saw figures emerge from the shadows inside the building.

Shit. We need to get out of here.

I touched Y/N's shoulder to try and get her attention.

"Y/N come on, we have to go."

She didn't budge.

"Ok, looks like we're doing this the hard way."

I grabbed her by her waist and forced her up, and at a good time too. As soon as I forced her up, the glass that she was looking down into became a hoard of shards as bullets penetrated the ceiling, aimed right at us.



I grabbed her as we ran the length of the roof and swung us as far away as I could manage. As I was swinging though, I was too focused on Y/N and making sure that she was safe that I didn't notice that a man had come up onto the roof. And I didn't notice when he aimed his blaster at me and shot me in the back of the calf. As the bullet made impact, I turned around and got a quick glimpse of his face before swinging behind a building and out of range.

Y/N's POV:

"You'll have to swing back around. My house is a few blocks away from that building."

"Of course it is." I heard him mumble.

I really did cause a lot of trouble.

"Ok, it's the blue one down there, the second story on the side, we can go through my window."

He swung us to my window and I tried to open it.

Locked. Damn it.

"Ok, I'm going to go in and let you in. Just... don't die before I get back yeah?"

He nodded, obviously struggling from his wound. I didn't know alot about bullet wounds but I did know that he was losing blood. And fast.

I walked up to the door to find it unlocked.

Weird. Dad always locks the door.

"Dad, I'm home."

No answer.

Good, he's not here.


Not her either.

As fast as I could, I went into my dad and Daphne's room and found her medical stuff. I grabbed tweezers, alcohol, gauze, and anything else I thought I would need before heading up to my room. When I got up there, I quickly opened my window and Spiderman basically toppled in. He was not in good shape.

"Oj, lay on the bed and I'll try and get this thing out of you."

"Do you even know how to do this?"

"Not at all."

He groaned and laid back on the bed. I'm pretty sure he passed out.

A couple of youtube videos and stitches later, I had gotten the bullet out and bandaged him up. It wasn't the prettiest thing ever and would definitely scar but luckily for him, and me, the bullet didn't go deep so it didn't take too long to get out.

Spiderman had woken up about halfway through the process and spent the rest of the time bitching and moaning.

"Hey, I don't see anyone else trying to help you. And it's not like we can go to the hospital." I had said to him.

After that and a few more threats to poke him where the sun don't shine with the needle, he stopped talking and just responded with a series of grunts and moans.

What a baby.

He had fallen asleep after I had finished sewing him up and I let him. No need to bother the hero. He needed to get his rest so he could go save another gilt.

Wait, was I... jealous. No, no way. No way was I jealous of Spiderman. He was probably like 30 and had kids or something. 

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