Chapter 10: Underwear

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Peter's POV:

If anyone ever tells you being a celebrity is fun, they're lying. Don't get me wrong, it's sweet how much people like me and appreciate me but I swear if I have another cheerleader stick her phone in my face and yell, "SELFIE," I'm going to lose my mind. One of them almost tried taking my mask off with her teeth. That was weird.

After almost three hours of being bombarded by my fellow classmates, the principal threatened detention for everyone, including me for some reason, if they didn't get their butts back inside.

I sighed.

Well, at least I don't smell like dumpster anymore. Now I just smell like perfume and nail polish.

I heard the bell ring in the distance.

Crap! Fourth period.


"Hey Pete- whoa. What is that smell?


"You smell like... perfume and... dumpster? Where the heck have you been."

"Oh I uh-, I had a uh... headache. And then I went to the restroom but I accidentally walked into the girls restroom and they got scared so they all sprayed their perfume at me..."

Smooth Peter. Real smooth.


As if this kid couldn't get any more ridiculous.

"Ok, well um I can give you my notes that we took today in class. You'll need them. Oh, and we have a test on Thursday."

"Ok yeah, thanks."

Class dragged on for what seemed like forever and all I could smell was that god awful perfume and dumpster mix. Peter must have really gotten it when he went into the girl's bathroom.

"Hey Y/N, wait up."

"Yeah Peter, what's up? Walk into the girl's bathroom again?" I teased.

"Yeah um, not my finest moment but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over later today? Just to give me the notes and stuff."

"I mean I could just text them to you-"

"Yeah but I kind of want you to explain them to me. So I can uh... better understand it."

"Oh um... yeah sure. Of course. Meet you there?"

"Yeah, meet you there."

He walked away grinning like a fool.

What were you up to Peter Parker?

Peter's POV:

Ok, this was it. I was going to tell Y/N how I felt.

Don't chicken out. Don't chicken out. You asked Liz out last year and she said yes. Granted, I stood her up, and then her dad got arrested because of me, and then they moved to Oregon and I never saw her again but something like that can't happen again.


There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I yelled.

Y/N walked in looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Hey, Pete so I brought the notes. We can just sit at the dining room table and go over them and... why are you staring at me like that?"

"Y/N um..." I took a step closer. "There's something that I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now. I um... well actually the thing is..."


I looked up at her.

Why was she making that weird face?

"Yeah Y/N?"

"I'm not trying to interrupt or anything but uh, well the thing is..."


"Parker," she started to giggle. "Parker you stink."

She burst out laughing.

Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me.

"Oh um should I... should I go get a shower?"

"Yeah, you probably should," She was still laughing. After she had calmed herself down, she said, "Look, you go take a shower and I'll get all the notes out. I've got to call my uh... my dad anyway so take your time."

"Oh ok, yeah, I'll do that. No problemo."

This is not going well.

I jumped in the shower as fast as I could, trying not to waste any time. Aunt May was going to be home soon and I wanted to tell Y/N how I felt before then. In my rush, though I realized something.

I forgot clothes.


"Hey um Y/N?"

No response.


"Yeah Parker? You good?" I heard from outside the doorway.

"Yeah yeah I'm good I just um... need clothes."

"You need what now?"

"Clothes, I need... I need clothes."

"No, I heard you the first time I just wanted to make sure that I heard you correctly. Jesus Peter who forgets clothes when they go to the shower." I could hear her laughing outside the door.

Perfect. Just perfect.

"My shirts are hanging up and my pants are in the second drawer down in my dresser and my uh...well my uh..."


"Yeah um my... underwear is in the top drawer. Just grab the first thing you see."

I could tell she was enjoying this. I would never EVER live this down.

"Alright Peter I'll be back in a few."

"Yeah yeah, thanks..."

I hate... everything. 

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