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I took your guys idea on Yuzu being a sadist. Thanks I like/hate it.

It was another boring day at the academy. At least for Yuzu.  'Man another boring assembly..'  Yuzu sighs. Looking at the speaker platform she sees Mei talking about some boring shit. 'ooo I just remembered something' Yuzu grins as she reaches into her bag. Yuzu takes out a small remote and presses a button.

" the school festival will be on- Ahh..!"Mei's eyes widen and she covers her mouth, running off the stage.

Everyone starts laughing, Yuzu slips away into the backstage. She walks over to Mei slowly, who was sitting on the floor covering her face.

"Hey Mei." Yuzu chuckles. Mei shoots her head up. "You!.. You idiot! You in front of everyone!" Mei shakes slightly from the vibrator in her.

"don't be worried teddybear." Yuzu leans down and starts sucking on Mei's neck. "Ahh..!" Mei closes her eyes.

Yuzu smirks and increases the pace of the vibrator. "Mmm..!"Mei holds into Yuzu shoulders. "You're such a good princess.." Yuzu murmurs.

Loud footsteps appear, Mei's eyes widen. "Yuzu-" Mei gets cut off with Yuzu picking her up bridal style. Yuzu slips into a staff closet and closes it.

Pushing Mei against the door, she starts unbuttoning Mei's uniform. Mei moans when her nipples get pressed against the cold door. "Be quiet..unless you wanna get more embarrassed." Yuzu grabs the vibrator and starts moving it in and out.

"I can't be Ahh..!quiet..!" Mei moans loudly. Yuzu sticks two of her fingers into Mei's mouth. "Mmm..hah.." Mei moans softly.

The loud footsteps get closer and closer to them. " Mei where are you?" Her grandfather looks around. "Mei you better answer him. He's your grandfather." Yuzu whispers into Mei's ear. Mei sighs shakily.

"I'm inside here grandfather." Mei clenches her jaw once she responds.

"Why are you in there?" His voice booms in the backstage.

"I'm..uh..looking for" Mei looks around the closet " I was looking for pencil sharpeners, multiple broke." Mei sweat drops.

Yuzu grins. Moving the vibrator more faster and deeper. Mei arches her back, biting onto Yuzu's fingers to muffle her moan.

"Alright then. I need to see you in my office after school." Her grandfather starts walking away.

Once Mei was sure her grandfather wasn't within earshot she lets her moans spill out. "Ahh..!Mmm..! Darling..!" Mei arches her back.

"Hah...I'm close..! Mmm..!" Mei shakes as she comes, panting heavily. Yuzu wraps her hands around Mei to support her body. "You're so beautiful teddybear.." Yuzu starts laying kisses from Mei's neck down to her back. Mei sighs.

"Let's get you dressed.." Yuzu whispers into Mei's ear as she buttons Mei's uniform up. Turning off the vibrator, Mei whines " I want more..".                           " maybe if you're a good princess you will get more after school" Yuzu smirks.


Did I listen to myself and take a break? Nope!

Is my head so full of ideas I'm starting to daydream in class and not pay attention? Yep!

Hotel? Trivago!

(Also I'm new to the whole sadist thing so I'm not sure if In this Yuzu is a sadist or not??)

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