1 Year

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This includes talking about kidnapping and rape.
Don't read it if you're uncomfortable.
(Second year of school)


Mei lays in their bed, putting the hoodies sleeve to her nose. 'This is the last hoodie that smells like Yuzu...it barley smells like her.'

Mei tears up. 'What the hell even happened to you.where did you go.' Mei curls up under the covers. Mei jumps up at the noise of her phone ringing. 'The group chat..? WAIT THE CALLER ID IS YUZU-'

Mei picks her phone up and answers it in a hurry. "Yuzu!" Mei only hears the other friends panicking.

"What's going on?!" Mei breaks their panicking argument.

Everyone quiets down. Yuzu turns on her camera. "Hey girlies don't mind me just running away from my kidnapper." Yuzu moves her phone so they could see him.

"Yuzu..what.the.fuck." Harumi was the one to break the silence. Mei covers her mouth and tears up. "Yuzu.." Mei mumbles. "Oh princess your there?!"

"Mhm.." Mei barley lets out a noise. "Okay so, please listen closely and don't ask questions. I want you to stay near the door with a pan. Once I say 'go' and you'll open the door and hand me the pan.okay"

"o-okay.." Mei gets up, holding the phone. Mei walks to the kitchen and grabs a pan. Standing near the door, slightly open.

"Mei. Teddybear don't cry- oh shit my leg. Oh fuck my fucking leg you cock sucker. You motherfucker."

Mei watches the screen, scared. "Oh shit. He trying to touch my booty hole." Yuzu speeds up and runs away from the dude.

Harumi was laughing from the other side. "Harumi! Don't laugh you're gonna make me laugh too!"

"S-sorry- haha!" Harumi was laughing while crying. "Go." Yuzu says

Mei opens the door, handing the pan to Yuzu. Yuzu turns around and hits the booty hole man straight in the face, knocking him out. Mei looks at Yuzu, crying even more at the sight of HER blonde. Yuzu closes the door and locks it, placing a chair underneath the doorknob.

Yuzu turns around to Mei. " Yuzu what happened to your leg. I heard in the phone-"

"Mei don't worry, I just placed my foot weirdly" Yuzu opens her arms. Mei jumps onto Yuzu, hugging her tightly. "I-I missed you so much." Mei starts sobbing. "Shh..Mei I'm here now." Yuzu strokes Mei's hair while walking into their bedroom. Yuzu sits down on the bed and continues stroking Mei's hair.

Once Mei calms down she looks Yuzu in the eyes. "Let's go take a bath.. kay..?" Yuzu whispers. Mei nods, getting off of Yuzu and dragging her to the bathroom. Mei strips herself and looks at Yuzu "you know you have to get out of your clothes to bathe." Mei lifts and eyebrow up.

"Please don't be mad.." Yuzu takes off her shirt, revealing a lot of bruises, bite marks and cuts. The same with her legs.

Mei's eyes widen "Yuzu..what..?" Mei tears up once again. "It doesn't hurt as much as it looks.." Yuzu whispers before getting in the bath. Mei hurries into the bath, being careful to not hurt Yuzu she crawls on top of her. "Who..did this." Mei covers her mouth.

"..Amamiya sensei.." Yuzu looks away. Mei looks at Yuzu's face, grabbing her by the cheeks she forces the blonde to look at her. "Darling please don't be sad, I'm not angry at you or disgusted. I'm just..shocked..? I don't even know the right word for it.." Mei looks Yuzu in the eye.

Yuzu smiles slightly before kissing Mei on the forehead. 'This is gonna be embarrassing..but it feels right to do it.' Mei leans down and lightly kisses each mark that is on Yuzu's body. "M-Mei.." Yuzu blushes madly.

"Please..just let me do it." Mei looks at Yuzu softly. Yuzu nods. Mei pauses once she notices a bite mark around Yuzu's nipple. Mei looks up at Yuzu slowly with her eyes, only to be met with a blushing mess looking back at her. 

"Let's just finish showering and then go to sleep..you look like you need a rest." Mei kisses Yuzu on the lips gently. Yuzu nods and washes herself.

-after they finished-

Yuzu flops on their bed and lets out a sigh of relief. Yuzu looks at Mei. " your not gonna get in?" Yuzu looks at Mei confused. Mei fidgets with her hands. "Aren't you scared..that I'll  do something..?" Mei's eyes water.

Yuzu grabs Mei by the hand and drags her into bed, throwing the cover over them. " sure, I'll probably be scared to go too close to someone. But with you I know you'd never do something and I feel safe with you." Yuzu hugs Mei and puts her head under Mei's chin.

Mei smiles and hugs you gently. "I love you Yuzu."  Yuzu tenses up, "..I..love you..too..".


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